Computer code for "Efficiency and resilience of cooperation in asymmetric social dilemmas"

Hübner V, Kleshnina M. 2024. Computer code for ‘Efficiency and resilience of cooperation in asymmetric social dilemmas’, Zenodo, 10.5281/ZENODO.10639167.

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Hübner, ValentinISTA; Kleshnina, Maria

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in the research article "Efficiency and resilience of cooperation in asymmetric social dilemmas" (by Valentin Hübner, Manuel Staab, Christian Hilbe, Krishnendu Chatterjee, and Maria Kleshnina). We used different implementations for the case of two and three players, both described below.
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Hübner V, Kleshnina M. Computer code for “Efficiency and resilience of cooperation in asymmetric social dilemmas.” 2024. doi:10.5281/ZENODO.10639167
Hübner, V., & Kleshnina, M. (2024). Computer code for “Efficiency and resilience of cooperation in asymmetric social dilemmas.” Zenodo.
Hübner, Valentin, and Maria Kleshnina. “Computer Code for ‘Efficiency and Resilience of Cooperation in Asymmetric Social Dilemmas.’” Zenodo, 2024.
V. Hübner and M. Kleshnina, “Computer code for ‘Efficiency and resilience of cooperation in asymmetric social dilemmas.’” Zenodo, 2024.
Hübner V, Kleshnina M. 2024. Computer code for ‘Efficiency and resilience of cooperation in asymmetric social dilemmas’, Zenodo, 10.5281/ZENODO.10639167.
Hübner, Valentin, and Maria Kleshnina. Computer Code for “Efficiency and Resilience of Cooperation in Asymmetric Social Dilemmas.” Zenodo, 2024, doi:10.5281/ZENODO.10639167.
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