Decompositions into two linear forests of bounded lengths
Campbell R, Hörsch F, Moore B. 2024. Decompositions into two linear forests of bounded lengths. Discrete Mathematics. 347(6), 113962.
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Campbell, Rutger;
Hörsch, Florian;
Moore, BenjaminISTA
Corresponding author has ISTA affiliation
For some k∈Z≥0∪{∞}, we call a linear forest k-bounded if each of its components has at most k edges. We will say a (k,ℓ)-bounded linear forest decomposition of a graph G is a partition of E(G) into the edge sets of two linear forests Fk,Fℓ where Fk is k-bounded and Fℓ is ℓ-bounded. We show that the problem of deciding whether a given graph has such a decomposition is NP-complete if both k and ℓ are at least 2, NP-complete if k≥9 and ℓ=1, and is in P for (k,ℓ)=(2,1). Before this, the only known NP-complete cases were the (2,2) and (3,3) cases. Our hardness result answers a question of Bermond et al. from 1984. We also show that planar graphs of girth at least nine decompose into a linear forest and a matching, which in particular is stronger than 3-edge-colouring such graphs.
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Discrete Mathematics
We wish to thank Dániel Marx and András Sebő for making us aware of the results in [8] and some clarifications on them.
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Campbell R, Hörsch F, Moore B. Decompositions into two linear forests of bounded lengths. Discrete Mathematics. 2024;347(6). doi:10.1016/j.disc.2024.113962
Campbell, R., Hörsch, F., & Moore, B. (2024). Decompositions into two linear forests of bounded lengths. Discrete Mathematics. Elsevier.
Campbell, Rutger, Florian Hörsch, and Benjamin Moore. “Decompositions into Two Linear Forests of Bounded Lengths.” Discrete Mathematics. Elsevier, 2024.
R. Campbell, F. Hörsch, and B. Moore, “Decompositions into two linear forests of bounded lengths,” Discrete Mathematics, vol. 347, no. 6. Elsevier, 2024.
Campbell R, Hörsch F, Moore B. 2024. Decompositions into two linear forests of bounded lengths. Discrete Mathematics. 347(6), 113962.
Campbell, Rutger, et al. “Decompositions into Two Linear Forests of Bounded Lengths.” Discrete Mathematics, vol. 347, no. 6, 113962, Elsevier, 2024, doi:10.1016/j.disc.2024.113962.
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arXiv 2301.11615