A route to high thermoelectric performance: Solution‐based control of microstructure and composition in Ag2Se

Kleinhanns T, Milillo F, Calcabrini M, Fiedler C, Horta S, Balazs D, Strumolo MJ, Hasler R, Llorca J, Tkadletz M, Brutchey RL, Ibáñez M. 2024. A route to high thermoelectric performance: Solution‐based control of microstructure and composition in Ag2Se. Advanced Energy Materials. 14(22), 2400408.

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Journal Article | Published | English

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Kleinhanns, TobiasISTA; Milillo, FrancescoISTA; Calcabrini, MarianoISTA ; Fiedler, ChristineISTA; Horta, SharonaISTA; Balazs, DanielISTA ; Strumolo, Marissa J.; Hasler, Roger; Llorca, Jordi; Tkadletz, Michael; Brutchey, Richard L.; Ibáñez , MariaISTA
Thermoelectric materials convert heat into electricity, with a broad range of applications near room temperature (RT). However, the library of RT high-performance materials is limited. Traditional high-temperature synthetic methods constrain the range of materials achievable, hindering the ability to surpass crystal structure limitations and engineer defects. Here, a solution-based synthetic approach is introduced, enabling RT synthesis of powders and exploration of densification at lower temperatures to influence the material's microstructure. The approach is exemplified by Ag2Se, an n-type alternative to bismuth telluride. It is demonstrated that the concentration of Ag interstitials, grain boundaries, and dislocations are directly correlated to the sintering temperature, and achieve a figure of merit of 1.1 from RT to 100 °C after optimization. Moreover, insights into and resolve Ag2Se's challenges are provided, including stoichiometry issues leading to irreproducible performances. This work highlights the potential of RT solution synthesis in expanding the repertoire of high-performance thermoelectric materials for practical applications.
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Advanced Energy Materials
This work was supported by the Scientific Service Units (SSU) of ISTA through resources provided by the Electron Microscopy Facility (EMF), the Lab Support Facility (LSF), and the Nanofabrication Facility (NNF). This work was financially supported by ISTA and the Werner Siemens Foundation. The USTEM Service Unit of the Technical University of Vienna is acknowledged for EBSD sample preparation and analysis. R.L.B. acknowledges the National Science Foundation for funding the mass spectrometry analysis under award DMR 1904719. J.L. is a Serra Húnter Fellow and is grateful to the ICREA Academia program and projects MICINN/FEDER PID2021-124572OB-C31 and GC 2021 SGR 01061.
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Kleinhanns T, Milillo F, Calcabrini M, et al. A route to high thermoelectric performance: Solution‐based control of microstructure and composition in Ag2Se. Advanced Energy Materials. 2024;14(22). doi:10.1002/aenm.202400408
Kleinhanns, T., Milillo, F., Calcabrini, M., Fiedler, C., Horta, S., Balazs, D., … Ibáñez, M. (2024). A route to high thermoelectric performance: Solution‐based control of microstructure and composition in Ag2Se. Advanced Energy Materials. Wiley. https://doi.org/10.1002/aenm.202400408
Kleinhanns, Tobias, Francesco Milillo, Mariano Calcabrini, Christine Fiedler, Sharona Horta, Daniel Balazs, Marissa J. Strumolo, et al. “A Route to High Thermoelectric Performance: Solution‐based Control of Microstructure and Composition in Ag2Se.” Advanced Energy Materials. Wiley, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1002/aenm.202400408.
T. Kleinhanns et al., “A route to high thermoelectric performance: Solution‐based control of microstructure and composition in Ag2Se,” Advanced Energy Materials, vol. 14, no. 22. Wiley, 2024.
Kleinhanns T, Milillo F, Calcabrini M, Fiedler C, Horta S, Balazs D, Strumolo MJ, Hasler R, Llorca J, Tkadletz M, Brutchey RL, Ibáñez M. 2024. A route to high thermoelectric performance: Solution‐based control of microstructure and composition in Ag2Se. Advanced Energy Materials. 14(22), 2400408.
Kleinhanns, Tobias, et al. “A Route to High Thermoelectric Performance: Solution‐based Control of Microstructure and Composition in Ag2Se.” Advanced Energy Materials, vol. 14, no. 22, 2400408, Wiley, 2024, doi:10.1002/aenm.202400408.
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