Constraining axions with ZTF J1901+1458
Fleury L, Caiazzo I, Heyl J. 2023. Constraining axions with ZTF J1901+1458. Physical Review D. 107(10), L101303.
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Fleury, Leesa;
Caiazzo, IlariaISTA
Heyl, Jeremy

The axion-nucleon coupling enables the production of axions through the decay of excited 57Fe nuclei, and axions produced in the Sun through this process are often a target of helioscope searches. We show for the first time that hot, highly magnetic white dwarfs such as ZTF J1901+1458 are a viable target to search for the x-ray signature of axions that were produced by the 57Fe transition in the core and then converted to photons in the magnetosphere. We calculate that a 100 ks observation of ZTF J1901+1458 with NuSTAR would constrain the coupling of axions to nucleons and photons at a level below the bounds of both current and future planned helioscopes.
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Physical Review D
American Physical Society
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Fleury L, Caiazzo I, Heyl J. Constraining axions with ZTF J1901+1458. Physical Review D. 2023;107(10). doi:10.1103/physrevd.107.l101303
Fleury, L., Caiazzo, I., & Heyl, J. (2023). Constraining axions with ZTF J1901+1458. Physical Review D. American Physical Society.
Fleury, Leesa, Ilaria Caiazzo, and Jeremy Heyl. “Constraining Axions with ZTF J1901+1458.” Physical Review D. American Physical Society, 2023.
L. Fleury, I. Caiazzo, and J. Heyl, “Constraining axions with ZTF J1901+1458,” Physical Review D, vol. 107, no. 10. American Physical Society, 2023.
Fleury L, Caiazzo I, Heyl J. 2023. Constraining axions with ZTF J1901+1458. Physical Review D. 107(10), L101303.
Fleury, Leesa, et al. “Constraining Axions with ZTF J1901+1458.” Physical Review D, vol. 107, no. 10, L101303, American Physical Society, 2023, doi:10.1103/physrevd.107.l101303.
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arXiv 2208.00405