Routing thermal noise through quantum networks
Xuereb A, Aquilina M, Barzanjeh S. 2018. Routing thermal noise through quantum networks. SPIE: The international society for optical engineering, Proceedings of SPIE, vol. 10672, 106721N.
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Conference Paper
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Xuereb, André;
Aquilina, Matteo;
Barzanjeh, ShabirISTA 

Andrews, D L;
Ostendorf, A;
Bain, A J;
Nunzi, J M
Series Title
Proceedings of SPIE
There is currently significant interest in operating devices in the quantum regime, where their behaviour cannot be explained through classical mechanics. Quantum states, including entangled states, are fragile and easily disturbed by excessive thermal noise. Here we address the question of whether it is possible to create non-reciprocal devices that encourage the flow of thermal noise towards or away from a particular quantum device in a network. Our work makes use of the cascaded systems formalism to answer this question in the affirmative, showing how a three-port device can be used as an effective thermal transistor, and illustrates how this formalism maps onto an experimentally-realisable optomechanical system. Our results pave the way to more resilient quantum devices and to the use of thermal noise as a resource.
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SPIE: The international society for optical engineering
Conference Location
Strasbourg, France
Conference Date
2018-04-22 – 2018-04-26
Cite this
Xuereb A, Aquilina M, Barzanjeh S. Routing thermal noise through quantum networks. In: Andrews DL, Ostendorf A, Bain AJ, Nunzi JM, eds. Vol 10672. SPIE; 2018. doi:10.1117/12.2309928
Xuereb, A., Aquilina, M., & Barzanjeh, S. (2018). Routing thermal noise through quantum networks. In D. L. Andrews, A. Ostendorf, A. J. Bain, & J. M. Nunzi (Eds.) (Vol. 10672). Presented at the SPIE: The international society for optical engineering, Strasbourg, France: SPIE.
Xuereb, André, Matteo Aquilina, and Shabir Barzanjeh. “Routing Thermal Noise through Quantum Networks.” edited by D L Andrews, A Ostendorf, A J Bain, and J M Nunzi, Vol. 10672. SPIE, 2018.
A. Xuereb, M. Aquilina, and S. Barzanjeh, “Routing thermal noise through quantum networks,” presented at the SPIE: The international society for optical engineering, Strasbourg, France, 2018, vol. 10672.
Xuereb A, Aquilina M, Barzanjeh S. 2018. Routing thermal noise through quantum networks. SPIE: The international society for optical engineering, Proceedings of SPIE, vol. 10672, 106721N.
Xuereb, André, et al. Routing Thermal Noise through Quantum Networks. Edited by D L Andrews et al., vol. 10672, 106721N, SPIE, 2018, doi:10.1117/12.2309928.
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arXiv 1806.01000