MAS NMR experiments of corynebacterial cell walls: Complementary 1H- and CPMAS CryoProbe-enhanced 13C-detected experiments
Vallet A, Ayala I, Perrone B, Hassan A, Simorre J-P, Bougault C, Schanda P. 2024. MAS NMR experiments of corynebacterial cell walls: Complementary 1H- and CPMAS CryoProbe-enhanced 13C-detected experiments. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 364, 107708.
Journal Article
| Published
| English
Scopus indexed
Vallet, Alicia;
Ayala, Isabel;
Perrone, Barbara;
Hassan, Alia;
Simorre, Jean-Pierre;
Bougault, Catherine;
Schanda, PaulISTA 

Corresponding author has ISTA affiliation
Bacterial cell walls are gigadalton-large cross-linked polymers with a wide range of motional amplitudes, including rather rigid as well as highly flexible parts. Magic-angle spinning NMR is a powerful method to obtain atomic-level information about intact cell walls. Here we investigate sensitivity and information content of different homonuclear 13Csingle bond13C and heteronuclear 1Hsingle bond15N, 1Hsingle bond13C and 15Nsingle bond13C correlation experiments. We demonstrate that a CPMAS CryoProbe yields ca. 8-fold increased signal-to-noise over a room-temperature probe, or a ca. 3–4-fold larger per-mass sensitivity. The increased sensitivity allowed to obtain high-resolution spectra even on intact bacteria. Moreover, we compare resolution and sensitivity of 1H MAS experiments obtained at 100 kHz vs. 55 kHz. Our study provides useful hints for choosing experiments to extract atomic-level details on cell-wall samples.
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Journal of Magnetic Resonance
This research was supported by the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche (
ANR-16-CE11-0030-12, TransPepNMR). This work used the platforms of the Grenoble Instruct-ERIC center (ISBG; UAR 3518 CNRS-CEA-UGA-EMBL) within the Grenoble Partnership for Structural Biology (PSB), supported by FRISBI, France (ANR-10-INBS-0005-02
) and GRAL, financed within the University Grenoble Alpes graduate school (Ecoles Universitaires de Recherche), CBH-EUR-GS (ANR-17-EURE-0003). Financial support from the IR INFRANALYTICS FR2054 for conducting the research and intramural funding by the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA) are gratefully acknowledged.
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Vallet A, Ayala I, Perrone B, et al. MAS NMR experiments of corynebacterial cell walls: Complementary 1H- and CPMAS CryoProbe-enhanced 13C-detected experiments. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 2024;364. doi:10.1016/j.jmr.2024.107708
Vallet, A., Ayala, I., Perrone, B., Hassan, A., Simorre, J.-P., Bougault, C., & Schanda, P. (2024). MAS NMR experiments of corynebacterial cell walls: Complementary 1H- and CPMAS CryoProbe-enhanced 13C-detected experiments. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. Elsevier.
Vallet, Alicia, Isabel Ayala, Barbara Perrone, Alia Hassan, Jean-Pierre Simorre, Catherine Bougault, and Paul Schanda. “MAS NMR Experiments of Corynebacterial Cell Walls: Complementary 1H- and CPMAS CryoProbe-Enhanced 13C-Detected Experiments.” Journal of Magnetic Resonance. Elsevier, 2024.
A. Vallet et al., “MAS NMR experiments of corynebacterial cell walls: Complementary 1H- and CPMAS CryoProbe-enhanced 13C-detected experiments,” Journal of Magnetic Resonance, vol. 364. Elsevier, 2024.
Vallet A, Ayala I, Perrone B, Hassan A, Simorre J-P, Bougault C, Schanda P. 2024. MAS NMR experiments of corynebacterial cell walls: Complementary 1H- and CPMAS CryoProbe-enhanced 13C-detected experiments. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 364, 107708.
Vallet, Alicia, et al. “MAS NMR Experiments of Corynebacterial Cell Walls: Complementary 1H- and CPMAS CryoProbe-Enhanced 13C-Detected Experiments.” Journal of Magnetic Resonance, vol. 364, 107708, Elsevier, 2024, doi:10.1016/j.jmr.2024.107708.
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