Optimizing simulation parameters for weak lensing analyses involving non-Gaussian observables

Matilla JMZ, Waterval S, Haiman Z. 2020. Optimizing simulation parameters for weak lensing analyses involving non-Gaussian observables. The Astronomical Journal. 159(6), 284.

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Matilla, José Manuel Zorrilla; Waterval, Stefan; Haiman, ZoltánISTA
We performed a series of numerical experiments to quantify the sensitivity of the predictions for weak lensing statistics obtained in ray-tracing dark matter (DM)-only simulations, to two hyper-parameters that influence the accuracy as well as the computational cost of the predictions: the thickness of the lens planes used to build past light cones and the mass resolution of the underlying DM simulation. The statistics considered are the power spectrum (PS) and a series of non-Gaussian observables, including the one-point probability density function, lensing peaks, and Minkowski functionals. Counterintuitively, we find that using thin lens planes (< 60 h−1 Mpc on a 240 h−1 Mpc simulation box) suppresses the PS over a broad range of scales beyond what would be acceptable for a survey comparable to the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST). A mass resolution of 7.2 × 1011 h−1 M⊙ per DM particle (or 2563 particles in a (240 h−1 Mpc)3 box) is sufficient to extract information using the PS and non-Gaussian statistics from weak lensing data at angular scales down to 1' with LSST-like levels of shape noise.
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Matilla JMZ, Waterval S, Haiman Z. Optimizing simulation parameters for weak lensing analyses involving non-Gaussian observables. The Astronomical Journal. 2020;159(6). doi:10.3847/1538-3881/ab8f8c
Matilla, J. M. Z., Waterval, S., & Haiman, Z. (2020). Optimizing simulation parameters for weak lensing analyses involving non-Gaussian observables. The Astronomical Journal. American Astronomical Society. https://doi.org/10.3847/1538-3881/ab8f8c
Matilla, José Manuel Zorrilla, Stefan Waterval, and Zoltán Haiman. “Optimizing Simulation Parameters for Weak Lensing Analyses Involving Non-Gaussian Observables.” The Astronomical Journal. American Astronomical Society, 2020. https://doi.org/10.3847/1538-3881/ab8f8c.
J. M. Z. Matilla, S. Waterval, and Z. Haiman, “Optimizing simulation parameters for weak lensing analyses involving non-Gaussian observables,” The Astronomical Journal, vol. 159, no. 6. American Astronomical Society, 2020.
Matilla JMZ, Waterval S, Haiman Z. 2020. Optimizing simulation parameters for weak lensing analyses involving non-Gaussian observables. The Astronomical Journal. 159(6), 284.
Matilla, José Manuel Zorrilla, et al. “Optimizing Simulation Parameters for Weak Lensing Analyses Involving Non-Gaussian Observables.” The Astronomical Journal, vol. 159, no. 6, 284, American Astronomical Society, 2020, doi:10.3847/1538-3881/ab8f8c.
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