Single-nucleus atlas of the Artemia female reproductive system suggests germline repression of the Z chromosome

Elkrewi MN, Vicoso B. 2024. Single-nucleus atlas of the Artemia female reproductive system suggests germline repression of the Z chromosome. PLoS Genetics., e1011376.

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Journal Article | Epub ahead of print | English

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Our understanding of the molecular pathways that regulate oogenesis and define cellular identity in the Arthropod female reproductive system and the extent of their conservation is currently very limited. This is due to the focus on model systems, including Drosophila and Daphnia, which do not reflect the observed diversity of morphologies, reproductive modes, and sex chromosome systems. We use single-nucleus RNA and ATAC sequencing to produce a comprehensive single nucleus atlas of the adult Artemia franciscana female reproductive system. We map our data to the Fly Cell Atlas single-nucleus dataset of the Drosophila melanogaster ovary, shedding light on the conserved regulatory programs between the two distantly related Arthropod species. We identify the major cell types known to be present in the Artemia ovary, including germ cells, follicle cells, and ovarian muscle cells. Additionally, we use the germ cells to explore gene regulation and expression of the Z chromosome during meiosis, highlighting its unique regulatory dynamics and allowing us to explore the presence of meiotic sex chromosome silencing in this group.
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PLoS Genetics
We thank the Vicoso group for their valuable comments on the earlier draft of the manuscript. We would also like to thank the Vienna BioCenter Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) facility staff, and in particular, Thomas Grentzinger for his support with the handling and sequencing of the samples, the scientific computing unit at ISTA for the computational resources, Brittney Wick for the help with hosting our data on the UCSC Cell Browser, and Lora B. Sweeney for her valuable input at the different stages of the project.
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Elkrewi MN, Vicoso B. Single-nucleus atlas of the Artemia female reproductive system suggests germline repression of the Z chromosome. PLoS Genetics. 2024. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1011376
Elkrewi, M. N., & Vicoso, B. (2024). Single-nucleus atlas of the Artemia female reproductive system suggests germline repression of the Z chromosome. PLoS Genetics. Public Library of Science.
Elkrewi, Marwan N, and Beatriz Vicoso. “Single-Nucleus Atlas of the Artemia Female Reproductive System Suggests Germline Repression of the Z Chromosome.” PLoS Genetics. Public Library of Science, 2024.
M. N. Elkrewi and B. Vicoso, “Single-nucleus atlas of the Artemia female reproductive system suggests germline repression of the Z chromosome,” PLoS Genetics. Public Library of Science, 2024.
Elkrewi MN, Vicoso B. 2024. Single-nucleus atlas of the Artemia female reproductive system suggests germline repression of the Z chromosome. PLoS Genetics., e1011376.
Elkrewi, Marwan N., and Beatriz Vicoso. “Single-Nucleus Atlas of the Artemia Female Reproductive System Suggests Germline Repression of the Z Chromosome.” PLoS Genetics, e1011376, Public Library of Science, 2024, doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1011376.
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