Polarly localized Bro1 domain proteins regulate PIN-FORMED abundance and root gravitropic growth in Arabidopsis

Peng Y, Ji K, Mao Y, Wang Y, Korbei B, Luschnig C, Shen J, Benková E, Friml J, Tan S. 2024. Polarly localized Bro1 domain proteins regulate PIN-FORMED abundance and root gravitropic growth in Arabidopsis. Communications Biology. 7, 1085.

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Peng, Yakun; Ji, Kangkang; Mao, Yanbo; Wang, YiqunISTA; Korbei, Barbara; Luschnig, Christian; Shen, Jinbo; Benková, EvaISTA ; Friml, JiríISTA ; Tan, ShutangISTA
The developmental plasticity of the root system plays an essential role in the adaptation of plants to the environment. Among many other signals, auxin and its directional, intercellular transport are critical in regulating root growth and development. In particular, the PIN-FORMED2 (PIN2) auxin exporter acts as a key regulator of root gravitropic growth. Multiple regulators have been reported to be involved in PIN2-mediated root growth; however, our information remains incomplete. Here, we identified ROWY Bro1-domain proteins as important regulators of PIN2 sorting control. Genetic analysis revealed that Arabidopsis rowy1 single mutants and higher-order rowy1 rowy2 rowy3 triple mutants presented a wavy root growth phenotype. Cell biological experiments revealed that ROWY1 and PIN2 colocalized to the apical side of the plasma membrane in the root epidermis and that ROWYs are required for correct PM targeting of PIN2. In addition, ROWYs also affected PIN3 protein abundance in the stele, suggesting the potential involvement of additional PIN transporters as well as other proteins. A global transcriptome analysis revealed that ROWY genes are involved in the Fe2+ availability perception pathway. This work establishes ROWYs as important novel regulators of root gravitropic growth by connecting micronutrient availability to the proper subcellular targeting of PIN auxin transporters.
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Communications Biology
We thank Drs. Erika Isono (University of Constance), Grégory Vert (University of Toulouse), and Liwen Jiang (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) for kindly sharing published Arabidopsis lines; Dr. Yuzhou Zhang (ISTA) for help with molecular cloning, and Drs. Melinda Abas (BOKU), Eugenia Russinova (Ghent University), and Zhaojun Ding (Shandong University) for valuable discussions. This work was supported by grants to S.T. from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (32321001), the USTC Research Funds of the Double First-Class Initiative (YD9100002016), the Research Funds from the Center for Advanced Interdisciplinary Science and Biomedicine of IHM, the Division of Life Sciences and Medicine, the University of Science and Technology of China (QYPY20220012), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (WK9100000021), and start-up funding from the University of Science and Technology of China and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (GG9100007007, KY9100000026, KY9100000051, and KJ2070000079). J.S. was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31970181 and 32170342). J.F. was supported by Austrian Science Fund (FWF; projects I6123 and P37051-B).
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Peng Y, Ji K, Mao Y, et al. Polarly localized Bro1 domain proteins regulate PIN-FORMED abundance and root gravitropic growth in Arabidopsis. Communications Biology. 2024;7. doi:10.1038/s42003-024-06747-9
Peng, Y., Ji, K., Mao, Y., Wang, Y., Korbei, B., Luschnig, C., … Tan, S. (2024). Polarly localized Bro1 domain proteins regulate PIN-FORMED abundance and root gravitropic growth in Arabidopsis. Communications Biology. Springer Nature. https://doi.org/10.1038/s42003-024-06747-9
Peng, Yakun, Kangkang Ji, Yanbo Mao, Yiqun Wang, Barbara Korbei, Christian Luschnig, Jinbo Shen, Eva Benková, Jiří Friml, and Shutang Tan. “Polarly Localized Bro1 Domain Proteins Regulate PIN-FORMED Abundance and Root Gravitropic Growth in Arabidopsis.” Communications Biology. Springer Nature, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1038/s42003-024-06747-9.
Y. Peng et al., “Polarly localized Bro1 domain proteins regulate PIN-FORMED abundance and root gravitropic growth in Arabidopsis,” Communications Biology, vol. 7. Springer Nature, 2024.
Peng Y, Ji K, Mao Y, Wang Y, Korbei B, Luschnig C, Shen J, Benková E, Friml J, Tan S. 2024. Polarly localized Bro1 domain proteins regulate PIN-FORMED abundance and root gravitropic growth in Arabidopsis. Communications Biology. 7, 1085.
Peng, Yakun, et al. “Polarly Localized Bro1 Domain Proteins Regulate PIN-FORMED Abundance and Root Gravitropic Growth in Arabidopsis.” Communications Biology, vol. 7, 1085, Springer Nature, 2024, doi:10.1038/s42003-024-06747-9.
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