Room temperature, cavity-free capacitive strong coupling to mechanical motion

Puglia D, Odessey RH, Burns PS, Luhmann N, Schmid S, Higginbotham AP. Room temperature, cavity-free capacitive strong coupling to mechanical  motion. arXiv, 10.48550/arXiv.2407.15314.

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Preprint | Submitted | English
Puglia, DeniseISTA ; Odessey, Rachel HISTA; Burns, Peter S.; Luhmann, Niklas; Schmid, Silvan; Higginbotham, Andrew PISTA
Strong optomechanical coupling -- a regime where mechanical motion is damped by environmental radiation -- has traditionally required demanding experimental ingredients such as superconducting resonators, high-quality optical cavities, or large magnetic fields. Here we demonstrate a room temperature, cavity-free, all-electric device reaching this regime at radio frequencies, enabled by a mechanically compliant parallel-plate capacitor with a nanoscale plate separation and an aspect ratio exceeding 1,000. The device has four orders of magnitude lower insertion loss than a comparable commercial quartz crystal, and achieves a position imprecision rivaling an optical interferometer. With the help of a back-action isolation scheme, we observe radiative cooling of mechanical motion by a remote cryogenic load. This work provides a technologically accessible route to high-precision sensing, transduction, and signal processing.
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Puglia D, Odessey RH, Burns PS, Luhmann N, Schmid S, Higginbotham AP. Room temperature, cavity-free capacitive strong coupling to mechanical  motion. arXiv. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2407.15314
Puglia, D., Odessey, R. H., Burns, P. S., Luhmann, N., Schmid, S., & Higginbotham, A. P. (n.d.). Room temperature, cavity-free capacitive strong coupling to mechanical  motion. arXiv.
Puglia, Denise, Rachel H Odessey, Peter S. Burns, Niklas Luhmann, Silvan Schmid, and Andrew P Higginbotham. “Room Temperature, Cavity-Free Capacitive Strong Coupling to Mechanical  Motion.” ArXiv, n.d.
D. Puglia, R. H. Odessey, P. S. Burns, N. Luhmann, S. Schmid, and A. P. Higginbotham, “Room temperature, cavity-free capacitive strong coupling to mechanical  motion,” arXiv. .
Puglia D, Odessey RH, Burns PS, Luhmann N, Schmid S, Higginbotham AP. Room temperature, cavity-free capacitive strong coupling to mechanical  motion. arXiv, 10.48550/arXiv.2407.15314.
Puglia, Denise, et al. “Room Temperature, Cavity-Free Capacitive Strong Coupling to Mechanical  Motion.” ArXiv, doi:10.48550/arXiv.2407.15314.
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