Transport properties of canonical PIN-FORMED proteins from Arabidopsis and the role of the loop domain in auxin transport
Janacek D, Kolb M, Schulz L, Mergner J, Kuster B, Glanc M, Friml J, Ten Tusscher K, Schwechheimer C, Hammes U. 2024. Transport properties of canonical PIN-FORMED proteins from Arabidopsis and the role of the loop domain in auxin transport. Developmental Cell. 59(14), S1534-5807(24)00569–0.
Journal Article
| Published
| English
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Janacek, DP;
Kolb, M;
Schulz, L;
Mergner, J;
Kuster, B;
Glanc, MatoušISTA
Friml, JiríISTA
Ten Tusscher, K;
Schwechheimer, C;
Hammes, UZ

The phytohormone auxin is polarly transported in plants by PIN-FORMED (PIN) transporters and controls virtually all growth and developmental processes. Canonical PINs possess a long, largely disordered cytosolic loop. Auxin transport by canonical PINs is activated by loop phosphorylation by certain kinases. The structure of the PIN transmembrane domains was recently determined, their transport properties remained poorly characterized, and the role of the loop in the transport process was unclear. Here, we determined the quantitative kinetic parameters of auxin transport mediated by Arabidopsis PINs to mathematically model auxin distribution in roots and to test these predictions in vivo. Using chimeras between transmembrane and loop domains of different PINs, we demonstrate a strong correlation between transport parameters and physiological output, indicating that the loop domain is not only required to activate PIN-mediated auxin transport, but it has an additional role in the transport process by a currently unknown mechanism.
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Developmental Cell
This work was funded by DFG3468/6-1, DFG3468/6-3, and SFB924 to U.Z.H. We thank Angela Alkofer and Helene Prunkl for excellent technical assistance and Xenopus maintenance. Christian Luschnig is acknowledged for sharing unpublished results and valuable discussions.
Cite this
Janacek D, Kolb M, Schulz L, et al. Transport properties of canonical PIN-FORMED proteins from Arabidopsis and the role of the loop domain in auxin transport. Developmental Cell. 2024;59(14):S1534-5807(24)00569-0. doi:10.1016/j.devcel.2024.09.020
Janacek, D., Kolb, M., Schulz, L., Mergner, J., Kuster, B., Glanc, M., … Hammes, U. (2024). Transport properties of canonical PIN-FORMED proteins from Arabidopsis and the role of the loop domain in auxin transport. Developmental Cell. Elsevier.
Janacek, DP, M Kolb, L Schulz, J Mergner, B Kuster, Matous Glanc, Jiří Friml, K Ten Tusscher, C Schwechheimer, and UZ Hammes. “Transport Properties of Canonical PIN-FORMED Proteins from Arabidopsis and the Role of the Loop Domain in Auxin Transport.” Developmental Cell. Elsevier, 2024.
D. Janacek et al., “Transport properties of canonical PIN-FORMED proteins from Arabidopsis and the role of the loop domain in auxin transport,” Developmental Cell, vol. 59, no. 14. Elsevier, pp. S1534-5807(24)00569–0, 2024.
Janacek D, Kolb M, Schulz L, Mergner J, Kuster B, Glanc M, Friml J, Ten Tusscher K, Schwechheimer C, Hammes U. 2024. Transport properties of canonical PIN-FORMED proteins from Arabidopsis and the role of the loop domain in auxin transport. Developmental Cell. 59(14), S1534-5807(24)00569–0.
Janacek, DP, et al. “Transport Properties of Canonical PIN-FORMED Proteins from Arabidopsis and the Role of the Loop Domain in Auxin Transport.” Developmental Cell, vol. 59, no. 14, Elsevier, 2024, pp. S1534-5807(24)00569-0, doi:10.1016/j.devcel.2024.09.020.
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