Non equilibrium dynamics of driven individual particles and 3D printing across scales
Mweka CN. 2024. Non equilibrium dynamics of driven individual particles and 3D printing across scales. Institute of Science and Technology Austria.
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Corresponding author has ISTA affiliation
Series Title
ISTA Master's Thesis
This thesis is an experimental work about two distinct research projects that evolved from a single project: non-equilibrium dynamics of an acoustically vibrated particle and microfabrication of particles with nano-scale 3D printing. The first project explores non equilibrium dynamics of a particle driven by ultrasonic vibrations. We design an experimental system consisting of an electromechanical vibration scheme to drive the particle’s vibrations and an imaging scheme to track its trajectories. We study the trajectories to determine how the particle’s dynamics evolve under the driven conditions, considering out of equilibrium systems in the context of equilibrium statistical mechanics. Using a Langevin framework and the Boltzmann factor, we characterize the particle’s dynamics as complex; the particle motion
is not purely diffusive. We extract physical parameters like spring constant, effective temperature, damping coefficient and resonance frequency.
In the second project, we explore and develop techniques in the design and microfabrication of particles across scales. Microfabrication involves building structures at the micron or submicron scale. These designed miniaturized patterns, objects, or devices are useful in biophysics, pharmacology, medical biology, and nanotechnology. We specifically apply two-photon polymerization, a form of 3D nano printing. We print millimetric particles, characterizing different designs to evaluate and showcase the resolution, aspect ratio integrity and print quality of the printing process. We also design and fabricate a microsensor to deflect under applicable force of order 0.1 pN. We present fundamental concepts needed to design the microsensor, showcasing 3D printing at considerably smaller scales down to the µm or below.
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Institute of Science and Technology Austria
I would like to acknowledge Scott Waitukaitis and Jérémie Palacci, for their supervision, and their extensive support of my learning.
For the beautiful characterization images used in this work, I would like to thank Dr. Daniel Grober, Samuel Hajek and Felix Pertl.
The Palacci group, particularly Malina Strugaru and Dan Grober, for their continuous guidance in decoding and following my streams of thought.
To the Waitukaitis group, for helping me find my footing in science, and making me feel at
To the Nanofabrication Facility (NFF) at ISTA, for training me in significant aspects of my research. The MIBA Facility, and particularly Todor Asenov for consistently picking up the phone for my machining and designing needs.
To my friends, Mariana, Lenka, Aaron, Rebecca, Eavan who provided an ear, wine, and a lot more when I needed to vent, talk through my crises as well as experiment. For the walks, for the coffees, for reading through my work and providing edits, for dinners to take me out of blocks and binds and for cheering me on when it felt insurmountable.
Finally, I am grateful to Griff and Fletcher, whose music helped me through several blocks, especially with my writing.
My science would not have been possible without the guidance, support and contributions of
all these people, and more.
Acknowledged SSUs
Cite this
Mweka CN. Non equilibrium dynamics of driven individual particles and 3D printing across scales. 2024. doi:10.15479/at:ista:18588
Mweka, C. N. (2024). Non equilibrium dynamics of driven individual particles and 3D printing across scales. Institute of Science and Technology Austria.
Mweka, Cecelia N. “Non Equilibrium Dynamics of Driven Individual Particles and 3D Printing across Scales.” Institute of Science and Technology Austria, 2024.
C. N. Mweka, “Non equilibrium dynamics of driven individual particles and 3D printing across scales,” Institute of Science and Technology Austria, 2024.
Mweka CN. 2024. Non equilibrium dynamics of driven individual particles and 3D printing across scales. Institute of Science and Technology Austria.
Mweka, Cecelia N. Non Equilibrium Dynamics of Driven Individual Particles and 3D Printing across Scales. Institute of Science and Technology Austria, 2024, doi:10.15479/at:ista:18588.
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