Tools at the Frontiers of Quantitative Verification: QComp 2023 Competition Report

Andriushchenko R, Bork A, Budde CE, Češka M, Grover K, Hahn EM, Hartmanns A, Israelsen B, Jansen N, Jeppson J, Junges S, Köhl MA, Könighofer B, Kretinsky J, Meggendorfer T, Parker D, Pranger S, Quatmann T, Ruijters E, Taylor L, Volk M, Weininger M, Zhang Z. 2024. Tools at the Frontiers of Quantitative Verification: QComp 2023 Competition Report. TOOLympics Challenge 2023. , LNCS, vol. 14550, 90–146.

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Conference Paper | Epub ahead of print | English

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Andriushchenko, Roman; Bork, Alexander; Budde, Carlos E.; Češka, Milan; Grover, Kush; Hahn, Ernst Moritz; Hartmanns, Arnd; Israelsen, Bryant; Jansen, Nils; Jeppson, Joshua; Junges, Sebastian; Köhl, Maximilian A.
Series Title
The analysis of formal models that include quantitative aspects such as timing or probabilistic choices is performed by quantitative verification tools. Broad and mature tool support is available for computing basic properties such as expected rewards on basic models such as Markov chains. Previous editions of QComp, the comparison of tools for the analysis of quantitative formal models, focused on this setting. Many application scenarios, however, require more advanced property types such as LTL and parameter synthesis queries as well as advanced models like stochastic games and partially observable MDPs. For these, tool support is in its infancy today. This paper presents the outcomes of QComp 2023: a survey of the state of the art in quantitative verification tool support for advanced property types and models. With tools ranging from first research prototypes to well-supported integrations into established toolsets, this report highlights today’s active areas and tomorrow’s challenges in tool-focused research for quantitative verification.
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TOOLympics Challenge 2023
Springer Nature
The authors are ordered alphabetically. This work was supported by DFG RTG 2236/2 (UnRAVeL) and DFG project TRR 248 (CPEC, ID 389792660), by the EU under MSCA grant agreements 101008233 (MISSION), 101034413 (IST-BRIDGE), and 101067199 (ProSVED), by ERC Starting Grant 101077178 (DEUCE), ERC Consolidator Grant 864075 (CAESAR), and ERC Advanced Grant 834115 (FUN2MODEL), by GAČR grant GA23-06963S (VESCAA), by National Science Foundation grant 1856733, by NextGenerationEU project D53D23008400006 (SMARTITUDE), and by NWO VENI grant 639.021.754.

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Andriushchenko R, Bork A, Budde CE, et al. Tools at the Frontiers of Quantitative Verification: QComp 2023 Competition Report. In: TOOLympics Challenge 2023. Vol 14550. Springer Nature; 2024:90-146. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-67695-6_4
Andriushchenko, R., Bork, A., Budde, C. E., Češka, M., Grover, K., Hahn, E. M., … Zhang, Z. (2024). Tools at the Frontiers of Quantitative Verification: QComp 2023 Competition Report. In TOOLympics Challenge 2023 (Vol. 14550, pp. 90–146). Springer Nature.
Andriushchenko, Roman, Alexander Bork, Carlos E. Budde, Milan Češka, Kush Grover, Ernst Moritz Hahn, Arnd Hartmanns, et al. “Tools at the Frontiers of Quantitative Verification: QComp 2023 Competition Report.” In TOOLympics Challenge 2023, 14550:90–146. Springer Nature, 2024.
R. Andriushchenko et al., “Tools at the Frontiers of Quantitative Verification: QComp 2023 Competition Report,” in TOOLympics Challenge 2023, 2024, vol. 14550, pp. 90–146.
Andriushchenko R, Bork A, Budde CE, Češka M, Grover K, Hahn EM, Hartmanns A, Israelsen B, Jansen N, Jeppson J, Junges S, Köhl MA, Könighofer B, Kretinsky J, Meggendorfer T, Parker D, Pranger S, Quatmann T, Ruijters E, Taylor L, Volk M, Weininger M, Zhang Z. 2024. Tools at the Frontiers of Quantitative Verification: QComp 2023 Competition Report. TOOLympics Challenge 2023. , LNCS, vol. 14550, 90–146.
Andriushchenko, Roman, et al. “Tools at the Frontiers of Quantitative Verification: QComp 2023 Competition Report.” TOOLympics Challenge 2023, vol. 14550, Springer Nature, 2024, pp. 90–146, doi:10.1007/978-3-031-67695-6_4.
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