Recessed microelectrodes as a platform to investigate the intrinsic redox process of Prussian blue analogs for energy storage application
Jiyane N, Santana Santos C, Echevarria Poza I, Palacios Corella M, Abdillah Mahbub MA, Marin-Tajadura G, Quast T, Ibáñez M, Ventosa E, Schuhmann W. 2025. Recessed microelectrodes as a platform to investigate the intrinsic redox process of Prussian blue analogs for energy storage application. Batteries and Supercaps., e202400743.
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Jiyane, Nomnotho;
Santana Santos, Carla;
Echevarria Poza, IgorISTA;
Palacios Corella, MarioISTA;
Abdillah Mahbub, Muhammad Adib;
Marin-Tajadura, Gimena;
Quast, Thomas;
Ibáñez , MariaISTA
Ventosa, Edgar;
Schuhmann, Wolfgang

The determination of the intrinsic properties of solid active material candidates is essential for their performance optimization. However, macroscopic electrodes and related analytical techniques show challenges concerning the number of additional influencing parameters. We explore recessed microelectrodes (rME) as a platform that allows for a binder-free investigation of Prussian Blue analogues (PBA), a family of promising battery materials. The enhanced diffusion using microelectrochemical tools is indispensable to assess the intrinsic material performance, overcoming the limitation of cation diffusion from the electrolyte to the solid interface during (dis)charging cycles and allowing the investigation of limiting steps in the coupled ion-electron transfer process. The intrinsic electrochemical performance of PBAs was studied in a three-electrode configuration by means of cyclic voltammetry and galvanostatic (dis)charging in aqueous Na+-containing electrolyte. We extended the evaluation to the role of the electrolyte on the performance of cathodic and anodic processes of a Mn-based PBA. Ex-situ and operando chemical characterization were coupled to support the microelectrochemical results.
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Batteries and Supercaps
The authors acknowledge funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme – European Innovation Council (EIC) under the grant agreement 101046742 (MeBattery), the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (CasCat [833408]), and the Spanish Government (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Grants PID2021-124974OB-C22). The authors thank Martin Trautmann (RUB) and Prof. Dr. Daniel Grasseschi (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ) for support concerning ICP-MS and Raman measurements, respectively. Open Access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL.
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Jiyane N, Santana Santos C, Echevarria Poza I, et al. Recessed microelectrodes as a platform to investigate the intrinsic redox process of Prussian blue analogs for energy storage application. Batteries and Supercaps. 2025. doi:10.1002/batt.202400743
Jiyane, N., Santana Santos, C., Echevarria Poza, I., Palacios Corella, M., Abdillah Mahbub, M. A., Marin-Tajadura, G., … Schuhmann, W. (2025). Recessed microelectrodes as a platform to investigate the intrinsic redox process of Prussian blue analogs for energy storage application. Batteries and Supercaps. Wiley.
Jiyane, Nomnotho, Carla Santana Santos, Igor Echevarria Poza, Mario Palacios Corella, Muhammad Adib Abdillah Mahbub, Gimena Marin-Tajadura, Thomas Quast, Maria Ibáñez, Edgar Ventosa, and Wolfgang Schuhmann. “Recessed Microelectrodes as a Platform to Investigate the Intrinsic Redox Process of Prussian Blue Analogs for Energy Storage Application.” Batteries and Supercaps. Wiley, 2025.
N. Jiyane et al., “Recessed microelectrodes as a platform to investigate the intrinsic redox process of Prussian blue analogs for energy storage application,” Batteries and Supercaps. Wiley, 2025.
Jiyane N, Santana Santos C, Echevarria Poza I, Palacios Corella M, Abdillah Mahbub MA, Marin-Tajadura G, Quast T, Ibáñez M, Ventosa E, Schuhmann W. 2025. Recessed microelectrodes as a platform to investigate the intrinsic redox process of Prussian blue analogs for energy storage application. Batteries and Supercaps., e202400743.
Jiyane, Nomnotho, et al. “Recessed Microelectrodes as a Platform to Investigate the Intrinsic Redox Process of Prussian Blue Analogs for Energy Storage Application.” Batteries and Supercaps, e202400743, Wiley, 2025, doi:10.1002/batt.202400743.
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