Predissociation of the N+2(C 2Σ+u) state observed via C 2Σ+u → X 2Σ+g fluorescence after resonant 1s−1π* excitation of N2 molecule
Ehresmann A, Werner L, Klumpp S, Demekhin P, Lemeshko M, Sukhorukov V, Schartner K, Schmoranzer H. 2006. Predissociation of the N+2(C 2Σ+u) state observed via C 2Σ+u → X 2Σ+g fluorescence after resonant 1s−1π* excitation of N2 molecule. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 39(6), L119–L126.
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Journal Article
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Ehresmann, Arno;
Werner, Lutz;
Klumpp, Stefan;
Demekhin, Ph V;
Lemeshko, MikhailISTA
Sukhorukov, V. L;
Schartner, Karl H;
Schmoranzer, Hans P

Predissociation of the N+2 C 2Σ+u(v') vibrational levels with v' ≥ 3 was observed via dispersed C 2Σ+u → X 2Σ+g fluorescence in the spectral range of 165–208 nm after resonant 1s−1π*(vr) excitation of N2 and its subsequent autoionization into the N+2 C state. This range is dominated by lines in atomic nitrogen, by overlapped C 2Σ+u(v') → X 2Σ+g(v'') vibrational band sequences with Δv = const and broad unresolved band systems (D, (2))2Πg(v') → A2Πu(v'') in the N+2 molecular ion. With very high fluorescence resolution of about 0.1 nm FWHM individual C 2Σ+u(v') → X 2Σ+g(v'') vibrational bands have been resolved. Calculation of the observed fluorescence spectra by taking into account predissociation and molecular rotation describes well the shape of both individual vibrational bands C 2Σ+u(v') → X 2Σ+g(v'') and the whole band system.
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Journal Title
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
IOP Publishing Ltd.
This work has been supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) (Förderkennzeichen 05 ES3XBA/5 and IB/DLR RUS 02/037). The cooperation between the groups at the universities of Kaiserslautern and Rostov-on-Don was supported by the Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation within the framework of an institute partnership with funds from BMBF
L119 - L126
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Ehresmann A, Werner L, Klumpp S, et al. Predissociation of the N+2(C 2Σ+u) state observed via C 2Σ+u → X 2Σ+g fluorescence after resonant 1s−1π* excitation of N2 molecule. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 2006;39(6):L119-L126. doi:10.1088/0953-4075/39/6/L03
Ehresmann, A., Werner, L., Klumpp, S., Demekhin, P., Lemeshko, M., Sukhorukov, V., … Schmoranzer, H. (2006). Predissociation of the N+2(C 2Σ+u) state observed via C 2Σ+u → X 2Σ+g fluorescence after resonant 1s−1π* excitation of N2 molecule. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. IOP Publishing Ltd.
Ehresmann, Arno, Lutz Werner, Stefan Klumpp, Ph Demekhin, Mikhail Lemeshko, V. Sukhorukov, Karl Schartner, and Hans Schmoranzer. “Predissociation of the N+2(C 2Σ+u) State Observed via C 2Σ+u → X 2Σ+g Fluorescence after Resonant 1s−1π* Excitation of N2 Molecule.” Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. IOP Publishing Ltd., 2006.
A. Ehresmann et al., “Predissociation of the N+2(C 2Σ+u) state observed via C 2Σ+u → X 2Σ+g fluorescence after resonant 1s−1π* excitation of N2 molecule,” Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, vol. 39, no. 6. IOP Publishing Ltd., pp. L119–L126, 2006.
Ehresmann A, Werner L, Klumpp S, Demekhin P, Lemeshko M, Sukhorukov V, Schartner K, Schmoranzer H. 2006. Predissociation of the N+2(C 2Σ+u) state observed via C 2Σ+u → X 2Σ+g fluorescence after resonant 1s−1π* excitation of N2 molecule. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 39(6), L119–L126.
Ehresmann, Arno, et al. “Predissociation of the N+2(C 2Σ+u) State Observed via C 2Σ+u → X 2Σ+g Fluorescence after Resonant 1s−1π* Excitation of N2 Molecule.” Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, vol. 39, no. 6, IOP Publishing Ltd., 2006, pp. L119–26, doi:10.1088/0953-4075/39/6/L03.