BEX1/ARF1A1C is required for BFA-sensitive recycling of PIN auxin transporters and auxin-mediated development in arabidopsis
Tanaka H, Nodzyński T, Kitakura S, Feraru M, Sasabe M, Ishikawa T, Kleine Vehn J, Kakimoto T, Friml J. 2014. BEX1/ARF1A1C is required for BFA-sensitive recycling of PIN auxin transporters and auxin-mediated development in arabidopsis. Plant and Cell Physiology. 55(4), 737–749.
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Tanaka, Hirokazu;
Nodzyński, Tomasz;
Kitakura, Saeko;
Feraru, Mugurel;
Sasabe, Michiko;
Ishikawa, Tomomi;
Kleine Vehn, Jürgen;
Kakimoto, Tatsuo;
Friml, JiríISTA 

Correct positioning of membrane proteins is an essential process in eukaryotic organisms. The plant hormone auxin is distributed through intercellular transport and triggers various cellular responses. Auxin transporters of the PIN-FORMED (PIN) family localize asymmetrically at the plasma membrane (PM) and mediate the directional transport of auxin between cells. A fungal toxin, brefeldin A (BFA), inhibits a subset of guanine nucleotide exchange factors for ADP-ribosylation factor small GTPases (ARF GEFs) including GNOM, which plays a major role in localization of PIN1 predominantly to the basal side of the PM. The Arabidopsis genome encodes 19 ARF-related putative GTPases. However, ARF components involved in PIN1 localization have been genetically poorly defined. Using a fluorescence imaging-based forward genetic approach, we identified an Arabidopsis mutant, bfa-visualized exocytic trafficking defective1 (bex1), in which PM localization of PIN1-green fluorescent protein (GFP) as well as development is hypersensitive to BFA. We found that in bex1 a member of the ARF1 gene family, ARF1A1C, was mutated. ARF1A1C localizes to the trans-Golgi network/early endosome and Golgi apparatus, acts synergistically to BEN1/MIN7 ARF GEF and is important for PIN recycling to the PM. Consistent with the developmental importance of PIN proteins, functional interference with ARF1 resulted in an impaired auxin response gradient and various developmental defects including embryonic patterning defects and growth arrest. Our results show that ARF1A1C is essential for recycling of PIN auxin transporters and for various auxin-dependent developmental processes.
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Plant and Cell Physiology
Oxford University Press
737 - 749
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Tanaka H, Nodzyński T, Kitakura S, et al. BEX1/ARF1A1C is required for BFA-sensitive recycling of PIN auxin transporters and auxin-mediated development in arabidopsis. Plant and Cell Physiology. 2014;55(4):737-749. doi:10.1093/pcp/pct196
Tanaka, H., Nodzyński, T., Kitakura, S., Feraru, M., Sasabe, M., Ishikawa, T., … Friml, J. (2014). BEX1/ARF1A1C is required for BFA-sensitive recycling of PIN auxin transporters and auxin-mediated development in arabidopsis. Plant and Cell Physiology. Oxford University Press.
Tanaka, Hirokazu, Tomasz Nodzyński, Saeko Kitakura, Mugurel Feraru, Michiko Sasabe, Tomomi Ishikawa, Jürgen Kleine Vehn, Tatsuo Kakimoto, and Jiří Friml. “BEX1/ARF1A1C Is Required for BFA-Sensitive Recycling of PIN Auxin Transporters and Auxin-Mediated Development in Arabidopsis.” Plant and Cell Physiology. Oxford University Press, 2014.
H. Tanaka et al., “BEX1/ARF1A1C is required for BFA-sensitive recycling of PIN auxin transporters and auxin-mediated development in arabidopsis,” Plant and Cell Physiology, vol. 55, no. 4. Oxford University Press, pp. 737–749, 2014.
Tanaka H, Nodzyński T, Kitakura S, Feraru M, Sasabe M, Ishikawa T, Kleine Vehn J, Kakimoto T, Friml J. 2014. BEX1/ARF1A1C is required for BFA-sensitive recycling of PIN auxin transporters and auxin-mediated development in arabidopsis. Plant and Cell Physiology. 55(4), 737–749.
Tanaka, Hirokazu, et al. “BEX1/ARF1A1C Is Required for BFA-Sensitive Recycling of PIN Auxin Transporters and Auxin-Mediated Development in Arabidopsis.” Plant and Cell Physiology, vol. 55, no. 4, Oxford University Press, 2014, pp. 737–49, doi:10.1093/pcp/pct196.
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