Morpho-physiological criteria divide dentate gyrus interneurons into classes
Hosp J, Strüber M, Yanagawa Y, Obata K, Vida I, Jonas PM, Bartos M. 2014. Morpho-physiological criteria divide dentate gyrus interneurons into classes. Hippocampus. 23(2), 189–203.
Journal Article
| Published
| English
Scopus indexed
Hosp, Jonas;
Strüber, Michael;
Yanagawa, Yuchio;
Obata, Kunihiko;
Vida, Imre;
Jonas, Peter MISTA
Bartos, Marlene

GABAergic inhibitory interneurons control fundamental aspects of neuronal network function. Their functional roles are assumed to be defined by the identity of their input synapses, the architecture of their dendritic tree, the passive and active membrane properties and finally the nature of their postsynaptic targets. Indeed, interneurons display a high degree of morphological and physiological heterogeneity. However, whether their morphological and physiological characteristics are correlated and whether interneuron diversity can be described by a continuum of GABAergic cell types or by distinct classes has remained unclear. Here we perform a detailed morphological and physiological characterization of GABAergic cells in the dentate gyrus, the input region of the hippocampus. To achieve an unbiased and efficient sampling and classification we used knock-in mice expressing the enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP) in glutamate decarboxylase 67 (GAD67)-positive neurons and performed cluster analysis. We identified five interneuron classes, each of them characterized by a distinct set of anatomical and physiological parameters. Cross-correlation analysis further revealed a direct relation between morphological and physiological properties indicating that dentate gyrus interneurons fall into functionally distinct classes which may differentially control neuronal network activity.
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Funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. Grant Numbers: SFB 505, SFB 780, BA1582/2-1 Excellence Initiative of the German Research Foundation (Spemann Graduate School). Grant Number: GSC-4 Lichtenberg Professorship-Award (VW-Foundation); Schram-Foundation; Excellence Initiative Brain Links-Brain Tools. The authors thank Drs. Jonas-Frederic Sauer and Claudio Elgueta for critically reading the manuscript. They also thank Karin Winterhalter, Margit Northemann and Ulrich Nöller for technical assistance.
189 - 203
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Hosp J, Strüber M, Yanagawa Y, et al. Morpho-physiological criteria divide dentate gyrus interneurons into classes. Hippocampus. 2014;23(2):189-203. doi:10.1002/hipo.22214
Hosp, J., Strüber, M., Yanagawa, Y., Obata, K., Vida, I., Jonas, P. M., & Bartos, M. (2014). Morpho-physiological criteria divide dentate gyrus interneurons into classes. Hippocampus. Wiley-Blackwell.
Hosp, Jonas, Michael Strüber, Yuchio Yanagawa, Kunihiko Obata, Imre Vida, Peter M Jonas, and Marlene Bartos. “Morpho-Physiological Criteria Divide Dentate Gyrus Interneurons into Classes.” Hippocampus. Wiley-Blackwell, 2014.
J. Hosp et al., “Morpho-physiological criteria divide dentate gyrus interneurons into classes,” Hippocampus, vol. 23, no. 2. Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 189–203, 2014.
Hosp J, Strüber M, Yanagawa Y, Obata K, Vida I, Jonas PM, Bartos M. 2014. Morpho-physiological criteria divide dentate gyrus interneurons into classes. Hippocampus. 23(2), 189–203.
Hosp, Jonas, et al. “Morpho-Physiological Criteria Divide Dentate Gyrus Interneurons into Classes.” Hippocampus, vol. 23, no. 2, Wiley-Blackwell, 2014, pp. 189–203, doi:10.1002/hipo.22214.
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