Local shape analysis for overlaid data structures

Dragoi C, Enea C, Sighireanu M. 2013. Local shape analysis for overlaid data structures. SAS: Static Analysis Symposium, LNCS, vol. 7935, 150–171.

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Conference Paper | Published | English

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Dragoi, CezaraISTA; Enea, Constantin; Sighireanu, Mihaela
Series Title
We present a shape analysis for programs that manipulate overlaid data structures which share sets of objects. The abstract domain contains Separation Logic formulas that (1) combine a per-object separating conjunction with a per-field separating conjunction and (2) constrain a set of variables interpreted as sets of objects. The definition of the abstract domain operators is based on a notion of homomorphism between formulas, viewed as graphs, used recently to define optimal decision procedures for fragments of the Separation Logic. Based on a Frame Rule that supports the two versions of the separating conjunction, the analysis is able to reason in a modular manner about non-overlaid data structures and then, compose information only at a few program points, e.g., procedure returns. We have implemented this analysis in a prototype tool and applied it on several interesting case studies that manipulate overlaid and nested linked lists.
Publishing Year
Date Published
150 - 171
SAS: Static Analysis Symposium
Conference Location
Seattle, WA, United States
Conference Date
2013-06-20 – 2013-06-22

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Dragoi C, Enea C, Sighireanu M. Local shape analysis for overlaid data structures. In: Vol 7935. Springer; 2013:150-171. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-38856-9_10
Dragoi, C., Enea, C., & Sighireanu, M. (2013). Local shape analysis for overlaid data structures (Vol. 7935, pp. 150–171). Presented at the SAS: Static Analysis Symposium, Seattle, WA, United States: Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-38856-9_10
Dragoi, Cezara, Constantin Enea, and Mihaela Sighireanu. “Local Shape Analysis for Overlaid Data Structures,” 7935:150–71. Springer, 2013. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-38856-9_10.
C. Dragoi, C. Enea, and M. Sighireanu, “Local shape analysis for overlaid data structures,” presented at the SAS: Static Analysis Symposium, Seattle, WA, United States, 2013, vol. 7935, pp. 150–171.
Dragoi C, Enea C, Sighireanu M. 2013. Local shape analysis for overlaid data structures. SAS: Static Analysis Symposium, LNCS, vol. 7935, 150–171.
Dragoi, Cezara, et al. Local Shape Analysis for Overlaid Data Structures. Vol. 7935, Springer, 2013, pp. 150–71, doi:10.1007/978-3-642-38856-9_10.
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