The BCS critical temperature for potentials with negative scattering length
Hainzl C, Seiringer R. 2008. The BCS critical temperature for potentials with negative scattering length. Letters in Mathematical Physics. 84(2–3), 99–107.
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Journal Article
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Hainzl, Christian;
Seiringer, RobertISTA 

We prove that the critical temperature for the BCS gap equation is given by T c = μ ( 8\π e γ-2+ o(1)) e π/(2μa) in the low density limit μ→ 0, with γ denoting Euler's constant. The formula holds for a suitable class of interaction potentials with negative scattering length a in the absence of bound states.
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Letters in Mathematical Physics
99 - 107
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Hainzl C, Seiringer R. The BCS critical temperature for potentials with negative scattering length. Letters in Mathematical Physics. 2008;84(2-3):99-107. doi:10.1007/s11005-008-0242-y
Hainzl, C., & Seiringer, R. (2008). The BCS critical temperature for potentials with negative scattering length. Letters in Mathematical Physics. Springer.
Hainzl, Christian, and Robert Seiringer. “The BCS Critical Temperature for Potentials with Negative Scattering Length.” Letters in Mathematical Physics. Springer, 2008.
C. Hainzl and R. Seiringer, “The BCS critical temperature for potentials with negative scattering length,” Letters in Mathematical Physics, vol. 84, no. 2–3. Springer, pp. 99–107, 2008.
Hainzl C, Seiringer R. 2008. The BCS critical temperature for potentials with negative scattering length. Letters in Mathematical Physics. 84(2–3), 99–107.
Hainzl, Christian, and Robert Seiringer. “The BCS Critical Temperature for Potentials with Negative Scattering Length.” Letters in Mathematical Physics, vol. 84, no. 2–3, Springer, 2008, pp. 99–107, doi:10.1007/s11005-008-0242-y.
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