Automatic Generation of Sigma-Protocols
Bangerter E, Briner T, Henecka W, Krenn S, Sadeghi A, Schneider T. 2010. Automatic Generation of Sigma-Protocols. EuroPKI: Public Key Infrastructures, Services and Applications, LNCS, vol. 6391, 67–82.
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Conference Paper
| Published
Bangerter, Endre;
Briner, Thomas;
Henecka, Wilko;
Krenn, StephanISTA
Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza;
Schneider, Thomas

Martinelli, Fabio;
Preneel, Bart
Series Title
Efficient zero-knowledge proofs of knowledge (ZK-PoK) are basic
building blocks of many practical cryptographic applications such as
identification schemes, group signatures, and secure multi-party
computation (SMPC). Currently, first applications that essentially
rely on ZK-PoKs are being deployed in the real world. The most
prominent example is the Direct Anonymous Attestation (DAA)
protocol, which was adopted by the Trusted Computing Group (TCG)
and implemented as one of the functionalities of the cryptographic
chip Trusted Platform Module (TPM).
Implementing systems using ZK-PoK turns out to be challenging,
since ZK-PoK are significantly more complex than standard crypto
primitives (e.g., encryption and signature schemes). As a result,
the design-implementation cycles of ZK-PoK are time-consuming
and error-prone.
To overcome this, we present a compiler with corresponding languages
for the automatic generation of sound and efficient ZK-PoK based on
Σ-protocols. The protocol designer using our compiler formulates
the goal of a ZK-PoK proof in a high-level protocol specification language,
which abstracts away unnecessary technicalities from the designer. The
compiler then automatically generates the protocol implementation in
Java code; alternatively, the compiler can output a description of the
protocol in LaTeX which can be used for documentation or verification.
Publishing Year
Date Published
This work was performed within the FP7 EU project CACE (Computer Aided Cryptography Engineering).
67 - 82
EuroPKI: Public Key Infrastructures, Services and Applications
Cite this
Bangerter E, Briner T, Henecka W, Krenn S, Sadeghi A, Schneider T. Automatic Generation of Sigma-Protocols. In: Martinelli F, Preneel B, eds. Vol 6391. Springer; 2010:67-82. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16441-5
Bangerter, E., Briner, T., Henecka, W., Krenn, S., Sadeghi, A., & Schneider, T. (2010). Automatic Generation of Sigma-Protocols. In F. Martinelli & B. Preneel (Eds.) (Vol. 6391, pp. 67–82). Presented at the EuroPKI: Public Key Infrastructures, Services and Applications, Springer.
Bangerter, Endre, Thomas Briner, Wilko Henecka, Stephan Krenn, Ahmad Sadeghi, and Thomas Schneider. “Automatic Generation of Sigma-Protocols.” edited by Fabio Martinelli and Bart Preneel, 6391:67–82. Springer, 2010.
E. Bangerter, T. Briner, W. Henecka, S. Krenn, A. Sadeghi, and T. Schneider, “Automatic Generation of Sigma-Protocols,” presented at the EuroPKI: Public Key Infrastructures, Services and Applications, 2010, vol. 6391, pp. 67–82.
Bangerter E, Briner T, Henecka W, Krenn S, Sadeghi A, Schneider T. 2010. Automatic Generation of Sigma-Protocols. EuroPKI: Public Key Infrastructures, Services and Applications, LNCS, vol. 6391, 67–82.
Bangerter, Endre, et al. Automatic Generation of Sigma-Protocols. Edited by Fabio Martinelli and Bart Preneel, vol. 6391, Springer, 2010, pp. 67–82, doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16441-5.
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