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Experimental evidence for Wigner's tunneling time
Camus N, Yakaboylu E, Fechner L, Klaiber M, Laux M, Mi Y, Hatsagortsyan K, Pfeifer T, Keitel C, Moshammer R. 2017. Experimental evidence for Wigner’s tunneling time. Annual International Laser Physics Workshop LPHYS, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 999, 012004.
Conference Paper
| Published
| English
Scopus indexed
Camus, Nicolas;
Yakaboylu, EnderalpISTA
Fechner, Lutz;
Klaiber, Michael;
Laux, Martin;
Mi, Yonghao;
Hatsagortsyan, Karen;
Pfeifer, Thomas;
Keitel, Cristoph;
Moshammer, Robert

Series Title
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Tunneling of a particle through a potential barrier remains one of the most remarkable quantum phenomena. Owing to advances in laser technology, electric fields comparable to those electrons experience in atoms are readily generated and open opportunities to dynamically investigate the process of electron tunneling through the potential barrier formed by the superposition of both laser and atomic fields. Attosecond-time and angstrom-space resolution of the strong laser-field technique allow to address fundamental questions related to tunneling, which are still open and debated: Which time is spent under the barrier and what momentum is picked up by the particle in the meantime? In this combined experimental and theoretical study we demonstrate that for strong-field ionization the leading quantum mechanical Wigner treatment for the time resolved description of tunneling is valid. We achieve a high sensitivity on the tunneling barrier and unambiguously isolate its effects by performing a differential study of two systems with almost identical tunneling geometry. Moreover, working with a low frequency laser, we essentially limit the non-adiabaticity of the process as a major source of uncertainty. The agreement between experiment and theory implies two substantial corrections with respect to the widely employed quasiclassical treatment: In addition to a non-vanishing longitudinal momentum along the laser field-direction we provide clear evidence for a non-zero tunneling time delay. This addresses also the fundamental question how the transition occurs from the tunnel barrier to free space classical evolution of the ejected electron.
Publishing Year
Date Published
American Physical Society
Article Number
Annual International Laser Physics Workshop LPHYS
Conference Location
Kazan, Russian Federation
Conference Date
2017-08-17 – 2017-08-21
Cite this
Camus N, Yakaboylu E, Fechner L, et al. Experimental evidence for Wigner’s tunneling time. In: Vol 999. American Physical Society; 2017. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/999/1/012004
Camus, N., Yakaboylu, E., Fechner, L., Klaiber, M., Laux, M., Mi, Y., … Moshammer, R. (2017). Experimental evidence for Wigner’s tunneling time (Vol. 999). Presented at the Annual International Laser Physics Workshop LPHYS, Kazan, Russian Federation: American Physical Society. https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/999/1/012004
Camus, Nicolas, Enderalp Yakaboylu, Lutz Fechner, Michael Klaiber, Martin Laux, Yonghao Mi, Karen Hatsagortsyan, Thomas Pfeifer, Cristoph Keitel, and Robert Moshammer. “Experimental Evidence for Wigner’s Tunneling Time,” Vol. 999. American Physical Society, 2017. https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/999/1/012004.
N. Camus et al., “Experimental evidence for Wigner’s tunneling time,” presented at the Annual International Laser Physics Workshop LPHYS, Kazan, Russian Federation, 2017, vol. 999, no. 1.
Camus N, Yakaboylu E, Fechner L, Klaiber M, Laux M, Mi Y, Hatsagortsyan K, Pfeifer T, Keitel C, Moshammer R. 2017. Experimental evidence for Wigner’s tunneling time. Annual International Laser Physics Workshop LPHYS, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 999, 012004.
Camus, Nicolas, et al. Experimental Evidence for Wigner’s Tunneling Time. Vol. 999, no. 1, 012004, American Physical Society, 2017, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/999/1/012004.
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