The science of living matter for tomorrow
Bauer G, Fakhri N, Kicheva A, Kondev J, Kruse K, Noji H, Riveline D, Saunders T, Thatta M, Wieschaus E. 2018. The science of living matter for tomorrow. Cell Systems. 6(4), 400–402.
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Journal Article
| Published
| English
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Bauer, Guntram;
Fakhri, Nikta;
Kicheva, AnnaISTA
Kondev, Jané;
Kruse, Karsten;
Noji, Hiroyuki;
Riveline, Daniel;
Saunders, Timothy;
Thatta, Mukund;
Wieschaus, Eric

The interface of physics and biology pro-vides a fruitful environment for generatingnew concepts and exciting ways forwardto understanding living matter. Examplesof successful studies include the estab-lishment and readout of morphogen gra-dients during development, signal pro-cessing in protein and genetic networks,the role of fluctuations in determining thefates of cells and tissues, and collectiveeffects in proteins and in tissues. It is nothard to envision that significant further ad-vances will translate to societal benefitsby initiating the development of new de-vices and strategies for curing disease.However, research at the interface posesvarious challenges, in particular for youngscientists, and current institutions arerarely designed to facilitate such scientificprograms. In this Letter, we propose aninternational initiative that addressesthese challenges through the establish-ment of a worldwide network of platformsfor cross-disciplinary training and incuba-tors for starting new collaborations.
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Cell Systems
Cell Press
400 - 402
Cite this
Bauer G, Fakhri N, Kicheva A, et al. The science of living matter for tomorrow. Cell Systems. 2018;6(4):400-402. doi:10.1016/j.cels.2018.04.003
Bauer, G., Fakhri, N., Kicheva, A., Kondev, J., Kruse, K., Noji, H., … Wieschaus, E. (2018). The science of living matter for tomorrow. Cell Systems. Cell Press.
Bauer, Guntram, Nikta Fakhri, Anna Kicheva, Jané Kondev, Karsten Kruse, Hiroyuki Noji, Daniel Riveline, Timothy Saunders, Mukund Thatta, and Eric Wieschaus. “The Science of Living Matter for Tomorrow.” Cell Systems. Cell Press, 2018.
G. Bauer et al., “The science of living matter for tomorrow,” Cell Systems, vol. 6, no. 4. Cell Press, pp. 400–402, 2018.
Bauer G, Fakhri N, Kicheva A, Kondev J, Kruse K, Noji H, Riveline D, Saunders T, Thatta M, Wieschaus E. 2018. The science of living matter for tomorrow. Cell Systems. 6(4), 400–402.
Bauer, Guntram, et al. “The Science of Living Matter for Tomorrow.” Cell Systems, vol. 6, no. 4, Cell Press, 2018, pp. 400–02, doi:10.1016/j.cels.2018.04.003.
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