Alpha shapes: definition and software

Akkiraju N, Edelsbrunner H, Facello M, Fu P, Mücke E, Varela C. 1995. Alpha shapes: definition and software. GCG: International Computational Geometry Software Workshop, 63–66.

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Conference Paper | Published | English
Akkiraju, Nataraj; Edelsbrunner, HerbertISTA ; Facello, Michael; Fu, Ping; Mücke, Ernst; Varela, Carlos
The concept of an α-shape of a finite set of points in R^d, with weights, is defined and illustrated. An α-shape is a polytope which is not necessarily convex nor connected and can be derived from the (weighted) Delaunay triangulation of the point set, with a parameter controlling the desired level of detail. The set of all α values leads to a descrete family of shapes capturing the intuitive notion of ``crude'' versus ``fine'' shapes of a point set. Software that computes such shapes in R^2 and R^3 is available via anonymous ftp from:
Publishing Year
Date Published
63 - 66
GCG: International Computational Geometry Software Workshop

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Akkiraju N, Edelsbrunner H, Facello M, Fu P, Mücke E, Varela C. Alpha shapes: definition and software. In: Elsevier; 1995:63-66.
Akkiraju, N., Edelsbrunner, H., Facello, M., Fu, P., Mücke, E., & Varela, C. (1995). Alpha shapes: definition and software (pp. 63–66). Presented at the GCG: International Computational Geometry Software Workshop, Elsevier.
Akkiraju, Nataraj, Herbert Edelsbrunner, Michael Facello, Ping Fu, Ernst Mücke, and Carlos Varela. “Alpha Shapes: Definition and Software,” 63–66. Elsevier, 1995.
N. Akkiraju, H. Edelsbrunner, M. Facello, P. Fu, E. Mücke, and C. Varela, “Alpha shapes: definition and software,” presented at the GCG: International Computational Geometry Software Workshop, 1995, pp. 63–66.
Akkiraju N, Edelsbrunner H, Facello M, Fu P, Mücke E, Varela C. 1995. Alpha shapes: definition and software. GCG: International Computational Geometry Software Workshop, 63–66.
Akkiraju, Nataraj, et al. Alpha Shapes: Definition and Software. Elsevier, 1995, pp. 63–66.

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