Experimental evidence for habitat dependent selection in a Bombina hybrid zone
Maccallum C, Nürnberger B, Barton NH. 1995. Experimental evidence for habitat dependent selection in a Bombina hybrid zone. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B Biological Sciences. 260(1359), 257–264.
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Maccallum, Catriona;
Nürnberger, Beate;
Barton, Nick HISTA
Hybridizing taxa remain distinct for two main reasons. Natural selection acts against hybrids either because of their incompatible genome, or because of differential adaptation of the pure types across an environmental gradient. Here, we provide experimental evidence that the location of the Bombina (Anura: Discoglossidae) hybrid zone in Croatia is, at least in part, determined by differential adaptation. B. bombina typically breeds in permanent water in the lowland, whereas B. variegata reproduces in puddles at higher elevations. In a reciprocal translocation, pure bombina and variegata tadpoles were introduced in equal proportions into lowland pond enclosures and upland puddles. After three weeks, variegata exceeded bombina in survival and growth in both habitats. The effect was most pronounced in puddles, where the few surviving bombina tadpoles had hardly grown at all. In comparison to variegata, the smaller hatchlings of bombina grew relatively faster in ponds, but remained smaller in absolute terms. Nevertheless, B. bombina appears better adapted to ponds than to puddles. The mechanisms by which variegata is excluded from ponds remain to be demonstrated. These data show that habitat dependent selection prevents the invasion of bombina tadpole traits into the variegata gene pool. Given the strong linkage disequilibria in hybrid populations, differential selection on tadpoles may be sufficient to maintain the integrity of the two gene pools.
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Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B Biological Sciences
We thank Franjo Perovioc for invaluable help in the field and the Perovioc family for generous hospitality. Logistical and practical support was provided by the Croatian Museum of Natural History in particular Bojan Lazar and Eduarrd Kletecki. The people of Velesevec kindly tolerated our enclosure bags in their village pond. Stejpan Ticeric generously provided a base for our work in Perkovec. Professor S. Jelaska of the U niversity of Zagreb allowed us unlim ited access to her laboratory, where all tadpole m easurem ents were taken. Loeske K ruuk carried out the electrophoretic analysis which established the taxonomic significance of tadpole belly colour. We thank Ian Wilson for statistical advice and Tim Halliday, Peter Jones, Loeske Kruuk, Jaroslav Pialek and two anonymous referees for helpful comments on the manuscript. This research was supported by a grant from the NERC (No. GR3/8002) to N.H.B.
257 - 264
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Maccallum C, Nürnberger B, Barton NH. Experimental evidence for habitat dependent selection in a Bombina hybrid zone. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B Biological Sciences. 1995;260(1359):257-264. doi:10.1098/rspb.1995.0089
Maccallum, C., Nürnberger, B., & Barton, N. H. (1995). Experimental evidence for habitat dependent selection in a Bombina hybrid zone. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B Biological Sciences. Royal Society of London. https://doi.org/10.1098/rspb.1995.0089
Maccallum, Catriona, Beate Nürnberger, and Nicholas H Barton. “Experimental Evidence for Habitat Dependent Selection in a Bombina Hybrid Zone.” Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B Biological Sciences. Royal Society of London, 1995. https://doi.org/10.1098/rspb.1995.0089.
C. Maccallum, B. Nürnberger, and N. H. Barton, “Experimental evidence for habitat dependent selection in a Bombina hybrid zone,” Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B Biological Sciences, vol. 260, no. 1359. Royal Society of London, pp. 257–264, 1995.
Maccallum C, Nürnberger B, Barton NH. 1995. Experimental evidence for habitat dependent selection in a Bombina hybrid zone. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B Biological Sciences. 260(1359), 257–264.
Maccallum, Catriona, et al. “Experimental Evidence for Habitat Dependent Selection in a Bombina Hybrid Zone.” Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B Biological Sciences, vol. 260, no. 1359, Royal Society of London, 1995, pp. 257–64, doi:10.1098/rspb.1995.0089.
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