Animating corrosion and erosion

Wojtan C, Carlson M, Mucha P, Turk G. 2007. Animating corrosion and erosion. EGWNP: Eurographics Workshop on Natural Phenomena, 15–22.

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Conference Paper | Published | English
Wojtan, ChrisISTA ; Carlson, Mark; Mucha, Peter; Turk, Greg
In this paper, we present a simple method for animating natural phenomena such as erosion, sedimentation, and acidic corrosion. We discretize the appropriate physical or chemical equations using finite differences, and we use the results to modify the shape of a solid body. We remove mass from an object by treating its surface as a level set and advecting it inward, and we deposit the chemical and physical byproducts into simulated fluid. Similarly, our technique deposits sediment onto a surface by advecting the level set outward. Our idea can be used for off-line high quality animations as well as interactive applications such as games, and we demonstrate both in this paper.
Publishing Year
Date Published
Eurographics Association
15 - 22
EGWNP: Eurographics Workshop on Natural Phenomena

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Wojtan C, Carlson M, Mucha P, Turk G. Animating corrosion and erosion. In: Eurographics Association; 2007:15-22. doi:10.2312/NPH/NPH07/015-022
Wojtan, C., Carlson, M., Mucha, P., & Turk, G. (2007). Animating corrosion and erosion (pp. 15–22). Presented at the EGWNP: Eurographics Workshop on Natural Phenomena, Eurographics Association.
Wojtan, Chris, Mark Carlson, Peter Mucha, and Greg Turk. “Animating Corrosion and Erosion,” 15–22. Eurographics Association, 2007.
C. Wojtan, M. Carlson, P. Mucha, and G. Turk, “Animating corrosion and erosion,” presented at the EGWNP: Eurographics Workshop on Natural Phenomena, 2007, pp. 15–22.
Wojtan C, Carlson M, Mucha P, Turk G. 2007. Animating corrosion and erosion. EGWNP: Eurographics Workshop on Natural Phenomena, 15–22.
Wojtan, Chris, et al. Animating Corrosion and Erosion. Eurographics Association, 2007, pp. 15–22, doi:10.2312/NPH/NPH07/015-022.

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