Topology noise removal for curve and surface evolution

Chen C, Freedman D. 2010. Topology noise removal for curve  and surface evolution. Conference proceedings MCV 2010. MCV: Medical Computer Vision, LNCS, vol. 6533, 31–42.

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Conference Paper | Published | English

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Chen, ChaoISTA; Freedman, Daniel
Series Title
In cortex surface segmentation, the extracted surface is required to have a particular topology, namely, a two-sphere. We present a new method for removing topology noise of a curve or surface within the level set framework, and thus produce a cortical surface with correct topology. We define a new energy term which quantifies topology noise. We then show how to minimize this term by computing its functional derivative with respect to the level set function. This method differs from existing methods in that it is inherently continuous and not digital; and in the way that our energy directly relates to the topology of the underlying curve or surface, versus existing knot-based measures which are related in a more indirect fashion. The proposed flow is validated empirically.
Publishing Year
Date Published
Proceedings Title
Conference proceedings MCV 2010
Partially supported by the Austri an Science Fund unde r grant P20134-N13. We thank Helena Molina-Abril for very helpful discussion. We thank anonymous reviewers for helpful comments.
31 - 42
MCV: Medical Computer Vision
Conference Location
Beijing, China
Conference Date
2010-09-20 – 2010-09-20

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Chen C, Freedman D. Topology noise removal for curve  and surface evolution. In: Conference Proceedings MCV 2010. Vol 6533. Springer; 2010:31-42. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-18421-5_4
Chen, C., & Freedman, D. (2010). Topology noise removal for curve  and surface evolution. In Conference proceedings MCV 2010 (Vol. 6533, pp. 31–42). Beijing, China: Springer.
Chen, Chao, and Daniel Freedman. “Topology Noise Removal for Curve  and Surface Evolution.” In Conference Proceedings MCV 2010, 6533:31–42. Springer, 2010.
C. Chen and D. Freedman, “Topology noise removal for curve  and surface evolution,” in Conference proceedings MCV 2010, Beijing, China, 2010, vol. 6533, pp. 31–42.
Chen C, Freedman D. 2010. Topology noise removal for curve  and surface evolution. Conference proceedings MCV 2010. MCV: Medical Computer Vision, LNCS, vol. 6533, 31–42.
Chen, Chao, and Daniel Freedman. “Topology Noise Removal for Curve  and Surface Evolution.” Conference Proceedings MCV 2010, vol. 6533, Springer, 2010, pp. 31–42, doi:10.1007/978-3-642-18421-5_4.


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