Mn3O4@CoMn2O4–CoxOy nanoparticles: Partial cation exchange synthesis and electrocatalytic properties toward the oxygen reduction and evolution reactions
Luo Z, Irtem E, Ibanez M, Nafria R, Márti Sánchez S, Genç A, De La Mata M, Liu Y, Cadavid D, Llorca J, Arbiol J, Andreu T, Morante J, Cabot A. 2016. Mn3O4@CoMn2O4–CoxOy nanoparticles: Partial cation exchange synthesis and electrocatalytic properties toward the oxygen reduction and evolution reactions. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 8, 17435–17444.
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Journal Article
| Published
| English
Luo, Zhishan;
Irtem, Erdem;
Ibanez, Maria;
Nafria, Raquel;
Márti Sánchez, Sara;
Genç, Aziz;
De La Mata, Maria;
Cadavid, Doris;
Llorca, Jordi;
Arbiol, Jordi;
Andreu, Teresa

Mn3O4@CoMn2O4 nanoparticles (NPs) were produced at low temperature and ambient atmosphere using a one-pot two-step synthesis protocol involving the cation exchange of Mn by Co in preformed Mn3O4 NPs. Selecting the proper cobalt precursor, the nucleation of CoxOy crystallites at the Mn3O4@CoMn2O4 surface could be simultaneously promoted to form Mn3O4@CoMn2O4–CoxOy NPs. Such heterostructured NPs were investigated for oxygen reduction and evolution reactions (ORR, OER) in alkaline solution. Mn3O4@CoMn2O4–CoxOy NPs with [Co]/[Mn] = 1 showed low overpotentials of 0.31 V at −3 mA·cm–2 and a small Tafel slope of 52 mV·dec–1 for ORR, and overpotentials of 0.31 V at 10 mA·cm–2 and a Tafel slope of 81 mV·dec–1 for OER, thus outperforming commercial Pt-, IrO2-based and previously reported transition metal oxides. This cation-exchange-based synthesis protocol opens up a new approach to design novel heterostructured NPs as efficient nonprecious metal bifunctional oxygen catalysts.
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ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces
American Chemical Society
his work was supported by the European Regional Development Funds and the Spanish MINECO projects BOOSTER (ENE2013-46624-C4-3-R), TNT-FUELS (MAT2014-59961), e-TNT (MAT2014-59961-C2-2-R) and PEC-CO2 (ENE2012- 3651). Z.L. and Y.L. thank the China Scholarship Council for scholarship support. E.I. thanks AGAUR for his Ph.D. grant (FI-2013-B-00769). M.I. thanks AGAUR for the Beatriu de Pinos postdoctoral grant (2013 BP-A00344). S.M. acknowl- ́ edges funding from “Programa Internacional de Becas ‘la Caixa’-Severo Ochoa”. J.L. is a Serra Hunter Fellow and is ́ grateful to ICREA Academia program. We also acknowledge the funding from Generalitat de Catalunya 2014 SGR 1638.
17435 - 17444
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Luo Z, Irtem E, Ibanez M, et al. Mn3O4@CoMn2O4–CoxOy nanoparticles: Partial cation exchange synthesis and electrocatalytic properties toward the oxygen reduction and evolution reactions. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 2016;8:17435-17444. doi:10.1021/acsami.6b02786
Luo, Z., Irtem, E., Ibanez, M., Nafria, R., Márti Sánchez, S., Genç, A., … Cabot, A. (2016). Mn3O4@CoMn2O4–CoxOy nanoparticles: Partial cation exchange synthesis and electrocatalytic properties toward the oxygen reduction and evolution reactions. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. American Chemical Society.
Luo, Zhishan, Erdem Irtem, Maria Ibanez, Raquel Nafria, Sara Márti Sánchez, Aziz Genç, Maria De La Mata, et al. “Mn3O4@CoMn2O4–CoxOy Nanoparticles: Partial Cation Exchange Synthesis and Electrocatalytic Properties toward the Oxygen Reduction and Evolution Reactions.” ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. American Chemical Society, 2016.
Z. Luo et al., “Mn3O4@CoMn2O4–CoxOy nanoparticles: Partial cation exchange synthesis and electrocatalytic properties toward the oxygen reduction and evolution reactions,” ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, vol. 8. American Chemical Society, pp. 17435–17444, 2016.
Luo Z, Irtem E, Ibanez M, Nafria R, Márti Sánchez S, Genç A, De La Mata M, Liu Y, Cadavid D, Llorca J, Arbiol J, Andreu T, Morante J, Cabot A. 2016. Mn3O4@CoMn2O4–CoxOy nanoparticles: Partial cation exchange synthesis and electrocatalytic properties toward the oxygen reduction and evolution reactions. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 8, 17435–17444.
Luo, Zhishan, et al. “Mn3O4@CoMn2O4–CoxOy Nanoparticles: Partial Cation Exchange Synthesis and Electrocatalytic Properties toward the Oxygen Reduction and Evolution Reactions.” ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, vol. 8, American Chemical Society, 2016, pp. 17435–44, doi:10.1021/acsami.6b02786.