The effects of multilocus balancing selection on neutral variability
Navarro A, Barton NH. 2002. The effects of multilocus balancing selection on neutral variability. Genetics. 161(2), 849–863.
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Navarro, Arcadio;
Barton, Nick HISTA 

We studied the effect of multilocus balancing selection on neutral nucleotide variability at linked sites by simulating a model where diallelic polymorphisms are maintained at an arbitrary number of selected loci by means of symmetric overdominance. Different combinations of alleles define different genetic backgrounds that subdivide the population and strongly affect variability. Several multilocus fitness regimes with different degrees of epistasis and gametic disequilibrium are allowed. Analytical results based on a multilocus extension of the structured coalescent predict that the expected linked neutral diversity increases exponentially with the number of selected loci and can become extremely large. Our simulation results show that although variability increases with the number of genetic backgrounds that are maintained in the population, it is reduced by random fluctuations in the frequencies of those backgrounds and does not reach high levels even in very large populations. We also show that previous results on balancing selection in single-locus systems do not extend to the multilocus scenario in a straightforward way. Different patterns of linkage disequilibrium and of the frequency spectrum of neutral mutations are expected under different degrees of epistasis. Interestingly, the power to detect balancing selection using deviations from a neutral distribution of allele frequencies seems to be diminished under the fitness regime that leads to the largest increase of variability over the neutral case. This and other results are discussed in the light of data from the Mhc.
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Genetics Society of America
We thank P. Andolfatto, P. Awadalla, B. Charlesworth, D. Charles- Guillaudeux, T., M. Janer, G. K. S. Wong, T. Spies and D. E. Geraghty, F. Depaulis, S. Otto, J. Rozas, and three anonymous reviewers for valuable discussion and criticism. A.N. is grateful to F. Depaulis, whose comments were particularly helpful (and extremely funny), and to D. Charlesworth, whose ideas made this work readable. This work was supported by Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council/Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council.
849 - 863
Cite this
Navarro A, Barton NH. The effects of multilocus balancing selection on neutral variability. Genetics. 2002;161(2):849-863. doi:10.1093/genetics/161.2.849
Navarro, A., & Barton, N. H. (2002). The effects of multilocus balancing selection on neutral variability. Genetics. Genetics Society of America.
Navarro, Arcadio, and Nicholas H Barton. “The Effects of Multilocus Balancing Selection on Neutral Variability.” Genetics. Genetics Society of America, 2002.
A. Navarro and N. H. Barton, “The effects of multilocus balancing selection on neutral variability,” Genetics, vol. 161, no. 2. Genetics Society of America, pp. 849–863, 2002.
Navarro A, Barton NH. 2002. The effects of multilocus balancing selection on neutral variability. Genetics. 161(2), 849–863.
Navarro, Arcadio, and Nicholas H. Barton. “The Effects of Multilocus Balancing Selection on Neutral Variability.” Genetics, vol. 161, no. 2, Genetics Society of America, 2002, pp. 849–63, doi:10.1093/genetics/161.2.849.
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