Quantifying similarities between timed systems

Henzinger TA, Majumdar R, Prabhu V. 2005. Quantifying similarities between timed systems. FORMATS: Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems, LNCS, vol. 3829, 226–241.

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Conference Paper | Published
Henzinger, Thomas AISTA ; Majumdar, Ritankar S; Prabhu, Vinayak S
Series Title
We define quantitative similarity functions between timed transition systems that measure the degree of closeness of two systems as a real, in contrast to the traditional boolean yes/no approach to timed simulation and language inclusion. Two systems are close if for each timed trace of one system, there exists a corresponding timed trace in the other system with the same sequence of events and closely corresponding event timings. We show that timed CTL is robust with respect to our quantitative version of bisimilarity, in particular, if a system satisfies a formula, then every close system satisfies a close formula. We also define a discounted version of CTL over timed systems, which assigns to every CTL formula a real value that is obtained by discounting real time. We prove the robustness of discounted CTL by establishing that close states in the bisimilarity metric have close values for all discounted CTL formulas.
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Date Published
This research was supported in part by the AFOSR MURI grant F49620-00-1-0327 and the NSF grants CCR-0208875, CCR-0225610, and CCR-0427202.
226 - 241
FORMATS: Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems

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Henzinger TA, Majumdar R, Prabhu V. Quantifying similarities between timed systems. In: Vol 3829. Springer; 2005:226-241. doi:10.1007/11603009_18
Henzinger, T. A., Majumdar, R., & Prabhu, V. (2005). Quantifying similarities between timed systems (Vol. 3829, pp. 226–241). Presented at the FORMATS: Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems, Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/11603009_18
Henzinger, Thomas A, Ritankar Majumdar, and Vinayak Prabhu. “Quantifying Similarities between Timed Systems,” 3829:226–41. Springer, 2005. https://doi.org/10.1007/11603009_18.
T. A. Henzinger, R. Majumdar, and V. Prabhu, “Quantifying similarities between timed systems,” presented at the FORMATS: Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems, 2005, vol. 3829, pp. 226–241.
Henzinger TA, Majumdar R, Prabhu V. 2005. Quantifying similarities between timed systems. FORMATS: Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems, LNCS, vol. 3829, 226–241.
Henzinger, Thomas A., et al. Quantifying Similarities between Timed Systems. Vol. 3829, Springer, 2005, pp. 226–41, doi:10.1007/11603009_18.


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