Assume-guarantee reasoning for hierarchical hybrid systems
Henzinger TA, Minea M, Prabhu V. 2001. Assume-guarantee reasoning for hierarchical hybrid systems. Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Hybrid Systems. HSCC: Hybrid Systems - Computation and Control, LNCS, vol. 2034, 275–290.
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Conference Paper
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Henzinger, Thomas AISTA ;
Minea, Marius;
Prabhu, Vinayak
Series Title
The assume-guarantee paradigm is a powerful divide-and-conquer mechanism for decomposing a verification task about a system into subtasks about the individual components of the system. The key to assume-guarantee reasoning is to consider each component not in isolation, but in conjunction with assumptions about the context of the component. Assume-guarantee principles are known for purely concurrent contexts, which constrain the input data of a component, as well as for purely sequential contexts, which constrain the entry configurations of a component. We present a model for hierarchical system design which permits the arbitrary nesting of parallel as well as serial composition, and which supports an assume-guarantee principle for mixed parallel-serial contexts. Our model also supports both discrete and continuous processes, and is therefore well-suited for the modeling and analysis of embedded software systems which interact with real-world environments. Using an example of two cooperating robots, we show refinement between a high-level model which specifies continuous timing constraints and an implementation which relies on discrete sampling.
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Proceedings Title
Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Hybrid Systems
Support for this research was provided in part by the AFOSR MURI grant F49620- 00-1-0327, and the DARPA SEC grant F33615-C-98-3614, the MARCO GSRC grant 98-DT-660, the NSF ITR grant CCR-0085949.
275 - 290
HSCC: Hybrid Systems - Computation and Control
Conference Location
Rome, Italy
Conference Date
2001-03-28 – 2001-03-30
Cite this
Henzinger TA, Minea M, Prabhu V. Assume-guarantee reasoning for hierarchical hybrid systems. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Hybrid Systems. Vol 2034. Springer; 2001:275-290. doi:10.1007/3-540-45351-2_24
Henzinger, T. A., Minea, M., & Prabhu, V. (2001). Assume-guarantee reasoning for hierarchical hybrid systems. In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Hybrid Systems (Vol. 2034, pp. 275–290). Rome, Italy: Springer.
Henzinger, Thomas A, Marius Minea, and Vinayak Prabhu. “Assume-Guarantee Reasoning for Hierarchical Hybrid Systems.” In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Hybrid Systems, 2034:275–90. Springer, 2001.
T. A. Henzinger, M. Minea, and V. Prabhu, “Assume-guarantee reasoning for hierarchical hybrid systems,” in Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Hybrid Systems, Rome, Italy, 2001, vol. 2034, pp. 275–290.
Henzinger TA, Minea M, Prabhu V. 2001. Assume-guarantee reasoning for hierarchical hybrid systems. Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Hybrid Systems. HSCC: Hybrid Systems - Computation and Control, LNCS, vol. 2034, 275–290.
Henzinger, Thomas A., et al. “Assume-Guarantee Reasoning for Hierarchical Hybrid Systems.” Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Hybrid Systems, vol. 2034, Springer, 2001, pp. 275–90, doi:10.1007/3-540-45351-2_24.