Event-driven programming with logical execution times
Ghosal A, Henzinger TA, Kirsch C, Sanvido M. 2004. Event-driven programming with logical execution times. HSCC: Hybrid Systems - Computation and Control, LNCS, vol. 2993, 167–170.
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Conference Paper
| Published
Ghosal, Arkadeb;
Henzinger, Thomas AISTA ;
Kirsch, Christoph M;
Sanvido, Marco A
Series Title
We present a new high-level programming language, called xGiotto, for programming applications with hard real-time constraints. Like its predecessor, xGiotto is based on the LET (logical execution time) assumption: the programmer specifies when the outputs of a task become available, and the compiler checks if the specification can be implemented on a given platform. However, while the predecessor language xGiotto was purely time-triggered, xGiotto accommodates also asynchronous events. Indeed, through a mechanism called event scoping, events are the main structuring principle of the new language. The xGiotto compiler and run-time system implement event scoping through a tree-based event filter. The compiler also checks programs for determinism (absence of race conditions).
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This research is supported by the AFOSR MURI grant F49620-00-1-0327, the DARPA SEC grant F33615-C-98-3614, the MARCO GSRC grant 98-DT-660, and the NSF grants CCR-0208875 and CCR-0225610.
167 - 170
HSCC: Hybrid Systems - Computation and Control
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Ghosal A, Henzinger TA, Kirsch C, Sanvido M. Event-driven programming with logical execution times. In: Vol 2993. Springer; 2004:167-170. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-24743-2_24
Ghosal, A., Henzinger, T. A., Kirsch, C., & Sanvido, M. (2004). Event-driven programming with logical execution times (Vol. 2993, pp. 167–170). Presented at the HSCC: Hybrid Systems - Computation and Control, Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-24743-2_24
Ghosal, Arkadeb, Thomas A Henzinger, Christoph Kirsch, and Marco Sanvido. “Event-Driven Programming with Logical Execution Times,” 2993:167–70. Springer, 2004. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-24743-2_24.
A. Ghosal, T. A. Henzinger, C. Kirsch, and M. Sanvido, “Event-driven programming with logical execution times,” presented at the HSCC: Hybrid Systems - Computation and Control, 2004, vol. 2993, pp. 167–170.
Ghosal A, Henzinger TA, Kirsch C, Sanvido M. 2004. Event-driven programming with logical execution times. HSCC: Hybrid Systems - Computation and Control, LNCS, vol. 2993, 167–170.
Ghosal, Arkadeb, et al. Event-Driven Programming with Logical Execution Times. Vol. 2993, Springer, 2004, pp. 167–70, doi:10.1007/978-3-540-24743-2_24.