Alternating refinement relations
Alur R, Henzinger TA, Kupferman O, Vardi M. 1998. Alternating refinement relations. Proceedings of the 9th Interantional Conference on Concurrency Theory. CONCUR: Concurrency Theory, LNCS, vol. 1466, 163–178.
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Conference Paper
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Alur, Rajeev;
Henzinger, Thomas AISTA ;
Kupferman, Orna;
Vardi, Moshe
Series Title
Alternating transition systems are a general model for composite systems which allow the study of collaborative as well as adversarial relationships between individual system components. Unlike in labeled transition systems, where each transition corresponds to a possible step of the system (which may involve some or all components), in alternating transition systems, each transition corresponds to a possible move in a game between the components. In this paper, we study refinement relations between alternating transition systems, such as “Does the implementation refine the set A of specification components without constraining the components not in A?” In particular, we generalize the definitions of the simulation and trace containment preorders from labeled transition systems to alternating transition systems. The generalizations are called alternating simulation and alternating trace containment. Unlike existing refinement relations, they allow the refinement of individual components within the context of a composite system description. We show that, like ordinary simulation, alternating simulation can be checked in polynomial time using a fixpoint computation algorithm. While ordinary trace containment is PSPACE-complete, we establish alternating trace containment to be EXPTIME-complete. Finally, we present logical characterizations for the two preorders in terms of ATL, a temporal logic capable of referring to games between system components.
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Proceedings Title
Proceedings of the 9th Interantional Conference on Concurrency Theory
Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik
This work is supported in part by the ONR YIP award N00014-95-1-0520, by the NSF CAREER award CCR-9501708, by the NSF grants CCR-9504469, CCR-9628400, and CCR-9700061, by the DARPA/NASA grant NAG2-1214, by the ARO MURI grant DAAH-04-96-1-0341, by the SRC contract 97-DC-324.041, and by a grant from the Intel Corporation.
163 - 178
CONCUR: Concurrency Theory
Conference Location
Nice, France
Conference Date
1998-09-08 – 1998-09-11
Cite this
Alur R, Henzinger TA, Kupferman O, Vardi M. Alternating refinement relations. In: Proceedings of the 9th Interantional Conference on Concurrency Theory. Vol 1466. Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik; 1998:163-178. doi:10.1007/BFb0055622
Alur, R., Henzinger, T. A., Kupferman, O., & Vardi, M. (1998). Alternating refinement relations. In Proceedings of the 9th Interantional Conference on Concurrency Theory (Vol. 1466, pp. 163–178). Nice, France: Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik.
Alur, Rajeev, Thomas A Henzinger, Orna Kupferman, and Moshe Vardi. “Alternating Refinement Relations.” In Proceedings of the 9th Interantional Conference on Concurrency Theory, 1466:163–78. Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, 1998.
R. Alur, T. A. Henzinger, O. Kupferman, and M. Vardi, “Alternating refinement relations,” in Proceedings of the 9th Interantional Conference on Concurrency Theory, Nice, France, 1998, vol. 1466, pp. 163–178.
Alur R, Henzinger TA, Kupferman O, Vardi M. 1998. Alternating refinement relations. Proceedings of the 9th Interantional Conference on Concurrency Theory. CONCUR: Concurrency Theory, LNCS, vol. 1466, 163–178.
Alur, Rajeev, et al. “Alternating Refinement Relations.” Proceedings of the 9th Interantional Conference on Concurrency Theory, vol. 1466, Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, 1998, pp. 163–78, doi:10.1007/BFb0055622.