Planar matchings for weighted straight skeletons
Biedl T, Huber S, Palfrader P. 2017. Planar matchings for weighted straight skeletons. International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications. 26(3–4), 211–229.
Journal Article
| Published
| English
Scopus indexed
Biedl, Therese;
Huber, StefanISTA
Palfrader, Peter

Corresponding author has ISTA affiliation
We introduce planar matchings on directed pseudo-line arrangements, which yield a planar set of pseudo-line segments such that only matching-partners are adjacent. By translating the planar matching problem into a corresponding stable roommates problem we show that such matchings always exist. Using our new framework, we establish, for the first time, a complete, rigorous definition of weighted straight skeletons, which are based on a so-called wavefront propagation process. We present a generalized and unified approach to treat structural changes in the wavefront that focuses on the restoration of weak planarity by finding planar matchings.
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International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications
World Scientific Publishing
Supported by NSERC and the Ross and Muriel Cheriton Fellowship. Research supported by Austrian Science Fund (FWF): P25816-N15.
211 - 229
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Biedl T, Huber S, Palfrader P. Planar matchings for weighted straight skeletons. International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications. 2017;26(3-4):211-229. doi:10.1142/S0218195916600050
Biedl, T., Huber, S., & Palfrader, P. (2017). Planar matchings for weighted straight skeletons. International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications. World Scientific Publishing.
Biedl, Therese, Stefan Huber, and Peter Palfrader. “Planar Matchings for Weighted Straight Skeletons.” International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications. World Scientific Publishing, 2017.
T. Biedl, S. Huber, and P. Palfrader, “Planar matchings for weighted straight skeletons,” International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications, vol. 26, no. 3–4. World Scientific Publishing, pp. 211–229, 2017.
Biedl T, Huber S, Palfrader P. 2017. Planar matchings for weighted straight skeletons. International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications. 26(3–4), 211–229.
Biedl, Therese, et al. “Planar Matchings for Weighted Straight Skeletons.” International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications, vol. 26, no. 3–4, World Scientific Publishing, 2017, pp. 211–29, doi:10.1142/S0218195916600050.
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