The CLE gene family in Populus trichocarpa
Liu Z, Yang N, Lv Y, Pan L, Lv S, Han H, Wang G. 2016. The CLE gene family in Populus trichocarpa. Plant Signaling & Behavior. 11(6), e1191734.
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Liu, Zhijun;
Yang, Nan;
Lv, Yanting;
Pan, Lixia;
Lv, Shuo;
Han, HuibinISTA;
Wang, Guodong
The CLE (CLAVATA3/Embryo Surrounding Region-related) peptides are small secreted signaling peptides that are primarily involved in the regulation of stem cell homeostasis in different plant meristems. Particularly, the characterization of the CLE41-PXY/TDR signaling pathway has greatly advanced our understanding on the potential roles of CLE peptides in vascular development and wood formation. Nevertheless, our knowledge on this gene family in a tree species is limited. In a recent study, we reported on a systematically investigation of the CLE gene family in Populus trichocarpa . The potential roles of PtCLE genes were studied by comparative analysis and transcriptional pro fi ling. Among fi fty PtCLE members, many PtCLE proteins share identical CLE motifs or contain the same CLE motif as that of AtCLEs, while PtCLE genes exhibited either comparable or distinct expression patterns comparing to their Arabidopsis counterparts. These fi ndings indicate the existence of both functional conservation and functional divergence between PtCLEs and their AtCLE orthologues. Our results provide valuable resources for future functional investigations of these critical signaling molecules in woody plants.
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Plant Signaling & Behavior
Taylor & Francis
We are grateful to Dr. Long (Laboratoire de Reproduction et Developpement des Plantes,CNRS,INRA,ENSLyon,UCBL,Universite de Lyon,France)for critical reading of the article. Work in our group is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31271575; 31200902), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Univ ersities (GK201103005), the Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education from the Ministry of Education of China (20120202120009), the Scientific Research Foundation for the Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars, State Education Ministry, and the Natural Science Basic Research Plan in Shaanxi Province of China (2014JM3064).
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Liu Z, Yang N, Lv Y, et al. The CLE gene family in Populus trichocarpa. Plant Signaling & Behavior. 2016;11(6). doi:10.1080/15592324.2016.1191734
Liu, Z., Yang, N., Lv, Y., Pan, L., Lv, S., Han, H., & Wang, G. (2016). The CLE gene family in Populus trichocarpa. Plant Signaling & Behavior. Taylor & Francis.
Liu, Zhijun, Nan Yang, Yanting Lv, Lixia Pan, Shuo Lv, Huibin Han, and Guodong Wang. “The CLE Gene Family in Populus Trichocarpa.” Plant Signaling & Behavior. Taylor & Francis, 2016.
Z. Liu et al., “The CLE gene family in Populus trichocarpa,” Plant Signaling & Behavior, vol. 11, no. 6. Taylor & Francis, 2016.
Liu Z, Yang N, Lv Y, Pan L, Lv S, Han H, Wang G. 2016. The CLE gene family in Populus trichocarpa. Plant Signaling & Behavior. 11(6), e1191734.
Liu, Zhijun, et al. “The CLE Gene Family in Populus Trichocarpa.” Plant Signaling & Behavior, vol. 11, no. 6, e1191734, Taylor & Francis, 2016, doi:10.1080/15592324.2016.1191734.
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