Regulation of auxin homeostasis and gradients in Arabidopsis roots through the formation of the indole-3-acetic acid catabolite 2-oxindole-3-acetic acid
Pěnčík A, Simonovik B, Petersson S, Henyková E, Simon S, Greenham K, Zhang Y, Kowalczyk M, Estelle M, Zažímalová E, Novák O, Sandberg G, Ljung K. 2013. Regulation of auxin homeostasis and gradients in Arabidopsis roots through the formation of the indole-3-acetic acid catabolite 2-oxindole-3-acetic acid. Plant Cell. 25(10), 3858–3870.
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Journal Article
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| English
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Pěnčík, Aleš;
Simonovik, Biljana;
Petersson, Sara;
Henyková, Eva;
Simon, SibuISTA
Greenham, Kathleen;
Zhang, Yi;
Kowalczyk, Mariusz;
Estelle, Mark;
Zažímalová, Eva;
Novák, Ondřej;
Sandberg, Göran

The native auxin, indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), is a major regulator of plant growth and development. Its nonuniform distribution between cells and tissues underlies the spatiotemporal coordination of many developmental events and responses to environmental stimuli. The regulation of auxin gradients and the formation of auxin maxima/minima most likely involve the regulation of both metabolic and transport processes. In this article, we have demonstrated that 2-oxindole-3-acetic acid (oxIAA) is a major primary IAA catabolite formed in Arabidopsis thaliana root tissues. OxIAA had little biological activity and was formed rapidly and irreversibly in response to increases in auxin levels. We further showed that there is cell type-specific regulation of oxIAA levels in the Arabidopsis root apex. We propose that oxIAA is an important element in the regulation of output from auxin gradients and, therefore, in the regulation of auxin homeostasis and response mechanisms.
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Plant Cell
American Society of Plant Biologists
3858 - 3870
Cite this
Pěnčík A, Simonovik B, Petersson S, et al. Regulation of auxin homeostasis and gradients in Arabidopsis roots through the formation of the indole-3-acetic acid catabolite 2-oxindole-3-acetic acid. Plant Cell. 2013;25(10):3858-3870. doi:10.1105/tpc.113.114421
Pěnčík, A., Simonovik, B., Petersson, S., Henyková, E., Simon, S., Greenham, K., … Ljung, K. (2013). Regulation of auxin homeostasis and gradients in Arabidopsis roots through the formation of the indole-3-acetic acid catabolite 2-oxindole-3-acetic acid. Plant Cell. American Society of Plant Biologists.
Pěnčík, Aleš, Biljana Simonovik, Sara Petersson, Eva Henyková, Sibu Simon, Kathleen Greenham, Yi Zhang, et al. “Regulation of Auxin Homeostasis and Gradients in Arabidopsis Roots through the Formation of the Indole-3-Acetic Acid Catabolite 2-Oxindole-3-Acetic Acid.” Plant Cell. American Society of Plant Biologists, 2013.
A. Pěnčík et al., “Regulation of auxin homeostasis and gradients in Arabidopsis roots through the formation of the indole-3-acetic acid catabolite 2-oxindole-3-acetic acid,” Plant Cell, vol. 25, no. 10. American Society of Plant Biologists, pp. 3858–3870, 2013.
Pěnčík A, Simonovik B, Petersson S, Henyková E, Simon S, Greenham K, Zhang Y, Kowalczyk M, Estelle M, Zažímalová E, Novák O, Sandberg G, Ljung K. 2013. Regulation of auxin homeostasis and gradients in Arabidopsis roots through the formation of the indole-3-acetic acid catabolite 2-oxindole-3-acetic acid. Plant Cell. 25(10), 3858–3870.
Pěnčík, Aleš, et al. “Regulation of Auxin Homeostasis and Gradients in Arabidopsis Roots through the Formation of the Indole-3-Acetic Acid Catabolite 2-Oxindole-3-Acetic Acid.” Plant Cell, vol. 25, no. 10, American Society of Plant Biologists, 2013, pp. 3858–70, doi:10.1105/tpc.113.114421.
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