Bounds on the norm of Wigner-type random matrices
Erdös L, Mühlbacher P. 2018. Bounds on the norm of Wigner-type random matrices. Random matrices: Theory and applications., 1950009.
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Erdös, LászlóISTA
Mühlbacher, Peter

We consider a Wigner-type ensemble, i.e. large hermitian N×N random matrices H=H∗ with centered independent entries and with a general matrix of variances Sxy=𝔼∣∣Hxy∣∣2. The norm of H is asymptotically given by the maximum of the support of the self-consistent density of states. We establish a bound on this maximum in terms of norms of powers of S that substantially improves the earlier bound 2∥S∥1/2∞ given in [O. Ajanki, L. Erdős and T. Krüger, Universality for general Wigner-type matrices, Prob. Theor. Rel. Fields169 (2017) 667–727]. The key element of the proof is an effective Markov chain approximation for the contributions of the weighted Dyck paths appearing in the iterative solution of the corresponding Dyson equation.
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Random matrices: Theory and applications
World Scientific Publishing
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Erdös L, Mühlbacher P. Bounds on the norm of Wigner-type random matrices. Random matrices: Theory and applications. 2018. doi:10.1142/s2010326319500096
Erdös, L., & Mühlbacher, P. (2018). Bounds on the norm of Wigner-type random matrices. Random Matrices: Theory and Applications. World Scientific Publishing.
Erdös, László, and Peter Mühlbacher. “Bounds on the Norm of Wigner-Type Random Matrices.” Random Matrices: Theory and Applications. World Scientific Publishing, 2018.
L. Erdös and P. Mühlbacher, “Bounds on the norm of Wigner-type random matrices,” Random matrices: Theory and applications. World Scientific Publishing, 2018.
Erdös L, Mühlbacher P. 2018. Bounds on the norm of Wigner-type random matrices. Random matrices: Theory and applications., 1950009.
Erdös, László, and Peter Mühlbacher. “Bounds on the Norm of Wigner-Type Random Matrices.” Random Matrices: Theory and Applications, 1950009, World Scientific Publishing, 2018, doi:10.1142/s2010326319500096.
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arXiv 1802.05175