Tin diselenide molecular precursor for solution-processable thermoelectric materials
Zhang Y, Liu Y, Lim KH, Xing C, Li M, Zhang T, Tang P, Arbiol J, Llorca J, Ng KM, Ibáñez M, Guardia P, Prato M, Cadavid D, Cabot A. 2018. Tin diselenide molecular precursor for solution-processable thermoelectric materials. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 57(52), 17063–17068.
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Zhang, Yu;
Liu, Yu;
Lim, Khak Ho;
Xing, Congcong;
Li, Mengyao;
Zhang, Ting;
Tang, Pengyi;
Arbiol, Jordi;
Llorca, Jordi;
Ng, Ka Ming;
Ibáñez , MariaISTA
Guardia, Pablo

In the present work, we detail a fast and simple solution-based method to synthesize hexagonal SnSe2 nanoplates (NPLs) and their use to produce crystallographically textured SnSe2 nanomaterials. We also demonstrate that the same strategy can be used to produce orthorhombic SnSe nanostructures and nanomaterials. NPLs are grown through a screw dislocation-driven mechanism. This mechanism typically results in pyramidal structures, but we demonstrate here that the growth from multiple dislocations results in flower-like structures. Crystallographically textured SnSe2 bulk nanomaterials obtained from the hot pressing of these SnSe2 structures display highly anisotropic charge and heat transport properties and thermoelectric (TE) figures of merit limited by relatively low electrical conductivities. To improve this parameter, SnSe2 NPLs are blended here with metal nanoparticles. The electrical conductivities of the blends are significantly improved with respect to bare SnSe2 NPLs, what translates into a three-fold increase of the TE Figure of merit, reaching unprecedented ZT values up to 0.65.
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Angewandte Chemie International Edition
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Zhang Y, Liu Y, Lim KH, et al. Tin diselenide molecular precursor for solution-processable thermoelectric materials. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 2018;57(52):17063-17068. doi:10.1002/anie.201809847
Zhang, Y., Liu, Y., Lim, K. H., Xing, C., Li, M., Zhang, T., … Cabot, A. (2018). Tin diselenide molecular precursor for solution-processable thermoelectric materials. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. Wiley. https://doi.org/10.1002/anie.201809847
Zhang, Yu, Yu Liu, Khak Ho Lim, Congcong Xing, Mengyao Li, Ting Zhang, Pengyi Tang, et al. “Tin Diselenide Molecular Precursor for Solution-Processable Thermoelectric Materials.” Angewandte Chemie International Edition. Wiley, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1002/anie.201809847.
Y. Zhang et al., “Tin diselenide molecular precursor for solution-processable thermoelectric materials,” Angewandte Chemie International Edition, vol. 57, no. 52. Wiley, pp. 17063–17068, 2018.
Zhang Y, Liu Y, Lim KH, Xing C, Li M, Zhang T, Tang P, Arbiol J, Llorca J, Ng KM, Ibáñez M, Guardia P, Prato M, Cadavid D, Cabot A. 2018. Tin diselenide molecular precursor for solution-processable thermoelectric materials. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 57(52), 17063–17068.
Zhang, Yu, et al. “Tin Diselenide Molecular Precursor for Solution-Processable Thermoelectric Materials.” Angewandte Chemie International Edition, vol. 57, no. 52, Wiley, 2018, pp. 17063–68, doi:10.1002/anie.201809847.
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