Inter-backbone charge transfer as prerequisite for long-range conductivity in perylene bisimide hydrogels
Burian M, Rigodanza F, Demitri N, D̵ord̵ević L, Marchesan S, Steinhartova T, Letofsky-Papst I, Khalakhan I, Mourad E, Freunberger SA, Amenitsch H, Prato M, Syrgiannis Z. 2018. Inter-backbone charge transfer as prerequisite for long-range conductivity in perylene bisimide hydrogels. ACS Nano. 12(6), 5800–5806.
Journal Article
| Published
| English
Burian, Max;
Rigodanza, Francesco;
Demitri, Nicola;
D̵ord̵ević, Luka;
Marchesan, Silvia;
Steinhartova, Tereza;
Letofsky-Papst, Ilse;
Khalakhan, Ivan;
Mourad, Eléonore;
Freunberger, Stefan AlexanderISTA
Amenitsch, Heinz;
Prato, Maurizio

Hydrogelation, the self-assembly of molecules into soft, water-loaded networks, is one way to bridge the structural gap between single molecules and functional materials. The potential of hydrogels, such as those based on perylene bisimides, lies in their chemical, physical, optical, and electronic properties, which are governed by the supramolecular structure of the gel. However, the structural motifs and their precise role for long-range conductivity are yet to be explored. Here, we present a comprehensive structural picture of a perylene bisimide hydrogel, suggesting that its long-range conductivity is limited by charge transfer between electronic backbones. We reveal nanocrystalline ribbon-like structures as the electronic and structural backbone units between which charge transfer is mediated by polar solvent bridges. We exemplify this effect with sensing, where exposure to polar vapor enhances conductivity by 5 orders of magnitude, emphasizing the crucial role of the interplay between structural motif and surrounding medium for the rational design of devices based on nanocrystalline hydrogels.
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ACS Nano
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Burian M, Rigodanza F, Demitri N, et al. Inter-backbone charge transfer as prerequisite for long-range conductivity in perylene bisimide hydrogels. ACS Nano. 2018;12(6):5800-5806. doi:10.1021/acsnano.8b01689
Burian, M., Rigodanza, F., Demitri, N., D̵ord̵ević, L., Marchesan, S., Steinhartova, T., … Syrgiannis, Z. (2018). Inter-backbone charge transfer as prerequisite for long-range conductivity in perylene bisimide hydrogels. ACS Nano. ACS.
Burian, Max, Francesco Rigodanza, Nicola Demitri, Luka D̵ord̵ević, Silvia Marchesan, Tereza Steinhartova, Ilse Letofsky-Papst, et al. “Inter-Backbone Charge Transfer as Prerequisite for Long-Range Conductivity in Perylene Bisimide Hydrogels.” ACS Nano. ACS, 2018.
M. Burian et al., “Inter-backbone charge transfer as prerequisite for long-range conductivity in perylene bisimide hydrogels,” ACS Nano, vol. 12, no. 6. ACS, pp. 5800–5806, 2018.
Burian M, Rigodanza F, Demitri N, D̵ord̵ević L, Marchesan S, Steinhartova T, Letofsky-Papst I, Khalakhan I, Mourad E, Freunberger SA, Amenitsch H, Prato M, Syrgiannis Z. 2018. Inter-backbone charge transfer as prerequisite for long-range conductivity in perylene bisimide hydrogels. ACS Nano. 12(6), 5800–5806.
Burian, Max, et al. “Inter-Backbone Charge Transfer as Prerequisite for Long-Range Conductivity in Perylene Bisimide Hydrogels.” ACS Nano, vol. 12, no. 6, ACS, 2018, pp. 5800–06, doi:10.1021/acsnano.8b01689.
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