Gromov's waist of non-radial Gaussian measures and radial non-Gaussian measures
Akopyan A, Karasev R. 2020.Gromov’s waist of non-radial Gaussian measures and radial non-Gaussian measures. In: Geometric Aspects of Functional Analysis. vol. 2256, 1–27.
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Book Chapter
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Akopyan, ArseniyISTA
Karasev, Roman

Book Editor
Klartag, Bo'az;
Milman, Emanuel
We study the Gromov waist in the sense of t-neighborhoods for measures in the Euclidean space, motivated by the famous theorem of Gromov about the waist of radially symmetric Gaussian measures. In particular, it turns our possible to extend Gromov’s original result to the case of not necessarily radially symmetric Gaussian measure. We also provide examples of measures having no t-neighborhood waist property, including a rather wide class
of compactly supported radially symmetric measures and their maps into the Euclidean space of dimension at least 2.
We use a simpler form of Gromov’s pancake argument to produce some estimates of t-neighborhoods of (weighted) volume-critical submanifolds in the spirit of the waist theorems, including neighborhoods of algebraic manifolds in the complex projective space. In the appendix of this paper we provide for reader’s convenience a more detailed explanation of the Caffarelli theorem that we use to handle not necessarily radially symmetric Gaussian
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Book Title
Geometric Aspects of Functional Analysis
Springer Nature
Cite this
Akopyan A, Karasev R. Gromov’s waist of non-radial Gaussian measures and radial non-Gaussian measures. In: Klartag B, Milman E, eds. Geometric Aspects of Functional Analysis. Vol 2256. LNM. Springer Nature; 2020:1-27. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-36020-7_1
Akopyan, A., & Karasev, R. (2020). Gromov’s waist of non-radial Gaussian measures and radial non-Gaussian measures. In B. Klartag & E. Milman (Eds.), Geometric Aspects of Functional Analysis (Vol. 2256, pp. 1–27). Springer Nature.
Akopyan, Arseniy, and Roman Karasev. “Gromov’s Waist of Non-Radial Gaussian Measures and Radial Non-Gaussian Measures.” In Geometric Aspects of Functional Analysis, edited by Bo’az Klartag and Emanuel Milman, 2256:1–27. LNM. Springer Nature, 2020.
A. Akopyan and R. Karasev, “Gromov’s waist of non-radial Gaussian measures and radial non-Gaussian measures,” in Geometric Aspects of Functional Analysis, vol. 2256, B. Klartag and E. Milman, Eds. Springer Nature, 2020, pp. 1–27.
Akopyan A, Karasev R. 2020.Gromov’s waist of non-radial Gaussian measures and radial non-Gaussian measures. In: Geometric Aspects of Functional Analysis. vol. 2256, 1–27.
Akopyan, Arseniy, and Roman Karasev. “Gromov’s Waist of Non-Radial Gaussian Measures and Radial Non-Gaussian Measures.” Geometric Aspects of Functional Analysis, edited by Bo’az Klartag and Emanuel Milman, vol. 2256, Springer Nature, 2020, pp. 1–27, doi:10.1007/978-3-030-36020-7_1.
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arXiv 1808.07350