Brief announcement: New bounds for partially synchronous set agreement
Alistarh D-A, Gilbert S, Guerraoui R, Travers C. 2010. Brief announcement: New bounds for partially synchronous set agreement. DISC: Distributed Computing, LNCS, vol. 6343 LNCS, 404–405.
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Conference Paper
| Published
| English
Alistarh, Dan-AdrianISTA
Gilbert, Seth;
Guerraoui, Rachid;
Travers, Corentin

Series Title
Set agreement [4] is a fundamental problem in distributed computing, in which processes collectively choose a small subset of values from a larger set of proposals. Set agreement has been extensively studied in both synchronous and asynchronous systems [10,11,3,5,8,9]. Real world distributed systems, however, are neither purely synchronous nor purely asynchronous. To describe such a system, Dwork et al. [6] introduced the idea of partial synchrony. They assume for every execution some (unknown) time GST (global stabilization time), after which the system is synchronous. In a recent paper [1,2], we study the complexity of set agreement in the context of partially synchronous systems, determining the minimum-sized window of synchrony in which set agreement can be solved. We show that at least ⌊t/k⌋ + 2 synchronous rounds are required for k-set agreement, where t < n is the number of crashes, and k is the agreement parameter of the set agreement task. We then introduce an algorithm that terminates in any window of synchrony of size at least ⌊t/k⌋ + 4 rounds. Together, these results tightly bound the inherent price of tolerating some asynchrony.
Publishing Year
Date Published
6343 LNCS
404 - 405
DISC: Distributed Computing
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Alistarh D-A, Gilbert S, Guerraoui R, Travers C. Brief announcement: New bounds for partially synchronous set agreement. In: Vol 6343 LNCS. Springer; 2010:404-405. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-15763-9_40
Alistarh, D.-A., Gilbert, S., Guerraoui, R., & Travers, C. (2010). Brief announcement: New bounds for partially synchronous set agreement (Vol. 6343 LNCS, pp. 404–405). Presented at the DISC: Distributed Computing, Springer.
Alistarh, Dan-Adrian, Seth Gilbert, Rachid Guerraoui, and Corentin Travers. “Brief Announcement: New Bounds for Partially Synchronous Set Agreement,” 6343 LNCS:404–5. Springer, 2010.
D.-A. Alistarh, S. Gilbert, R. Guerraoui, and C. Travers, “Brief announcement: New bounds for partially synchronous set agreement,” presented at the DISC: Distributed Computing, 2010, vol. 6343 LNCS, pp. 404–405.
Alistarh D-A, Gilbert S, Guerraoui R, Travers C. 2010. Brief announcement: New bounds for partially synchronous set agreement. DISC: Distributed Computing, LNCS, vol. 6343 LNCS, 404–405.
Alistarh, Dan-Adrian, et al. Brief Announcement: New Bounds for Partially Synchronous Set Agreement. Vol. 6343 LNCS, Springer, 2010, pp. 404–05, doi:10.1007/978-3-642-15763-9_40.