Embracing polygenicity: A review of methods and tools for psychiatric genetics research
Maier RM, Visscher PM, Robinson MR, Wray NR. 2018. Embracing polygenicity: A review of methods and tools for psychiatric genetics research. Psychological Medicine. 48(7), 1055–1067.
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Journal Article
| Published
| English
Maier, R. M.;
Visscher, P. M.;
Robinson, Matthew RichardISTA
Wray, N. R.

The availability of genome-wide genetic data on hundreds of thousands of people has led to an equally rapid growth in methodologies available to analyse these data. While the motivation for undertaking genome-wide association studies (GWAS) is identification of genetic markers associated with complex traits, once generated these data can be used for many other analyses. GWAS have demonstrated that complex traits exhibit a highly polygenic genetic architecture, often with shared genetic risk factors across traits. New methods to analyse data from GWAS are increasingly being used to address a diverse set of questions about the aetiology of complex traits and diseases, including psychiatric disorders. Here, we give an overview of some of these methods and present examples of how they have contributed to our understanding of psychiatric disorders. We consider: (i) estimation of the extent of genetic influence on traits, (ii) uncovering of shared genetic control between traits, (iii) predictions of genetic risk for individuals, (iv) uncovering of causal relationships between traits, (v) identifying causal single-nucleotide polymorphisms and genes or (vi) the detection of genetic heterogeneity. This classification helps organise the large number of recently developed methods, although some could be placed in more than one category. While some methods require GWAS data on individual people, others simply use GWAS summary statistics data, allowing novel well-powered analyses to be conducted at a low computational burden.
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Psychological Medicine
Cambridge University Press
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Maier RM, Visscher PM, Robinson MR, Wray NR. Embracing polygenicity: A review of methods and tools for psychiatric genetics research. Psychological Medicine. 2018;48(7):1055-1067. doi:10.1017/s0033291717002318
Maier, R. M., Visscher, P. M., Robinson, M. R., & Wray, N. R. (2018). Embracing polygenicity: A review of methods and tools for psychiatric genetics research. Psychological Medicine. Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/s0033291717002318
Maier, R. M., P. M. Visscher, Matthew Richard Robinson, and N. R. Wray. “Embracing Polygenicity: A Review of Methods and Tools for Psychiatric Genetics Research.” Psychological Medicine. Cambridge University Press, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1017/s0033291717002318.
R. M. Maier, P. M. Visscher, M. R. Robinson, and N. R. Wray, “Embracing polygenicity: A review of methods and tools for psychiatric genetics research,” Psychological Medicine, vol. 48, no. 7. Cambridge University Press, pp. 1055–1067, 2018.
Maier RM, Visscher PM, Robinson MR, Wray NR. 2018. Embracing polygenicity: A review of methods and tools for psychiatric genetics research. Psychological Medicine. 48(7), 1055–1067.
Maier, R. M., et al. “Embracing Polygenicity: A Review of Methods and Tools for Psychiatric Genetics Research.” Psychological Medicine, vol. 48, no. 7, Cambridge University Press, 2018, pp. 1055–67, doi:10.1017/s0033291717002318.
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