Polysaccharides in supercapacitors
Yee Liew S, Thielemans W, Freunberger SA, Spirk S. 2017.Polysaccharides in supercapacitors. In: Polysaccharide Based Supercapacitors. SpringerBriefs in Molecular Science, , 15–53.
Book Chapter
| Published
| English
Yee Liew, Soon;
Thielemans, Wim;
Freunberger, Stefan AlexanderISTA
Spirk, Stefan

Book Editor
Yee Liew, Soon;
Thielemans, Wim;
Freunberger, Stefan AlexanderISTA
Spirk, Stefan

Series Title
SpringerBriefs in Molecular Science
In this part, the use of polysaccharides, either directly through composite approaches, or by carbonization will be described. In many cases, materials are obtained which are competitive in terms of capacitance and cycle lifetime. In this part, the use of polysaccharides, either directly through composite approaches, or by carbonization will be described. In many cases, materials are obtained which are competitive in terms of capacitance and cycle lifetime. The following part will focus mainly on cellulosic composites with conductive polymers since cellulose is most abundant and therefore has attracted much more research interest in this field whereas in the second part also other polysaccharides, such as chitin, xylans, alginates, pectins, dextrans and caragenaans have been used in carbonization experiments.
Publishing Year
Date Published
Book Title
Polysaccharide Based Supercapacitors
Springer Nature
Cite this
Yee Liew S, Thielemans W, Freunberger SA, Spirk S. Polysaccharides in supercapacitors. In: Yee Liew S, Thielemans W, Freunberger SA, Spirk S, eds. Polysaccharide Based Supercapacitors. Springer Nature; 2017:15-53. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-50754-5_2
Yee Liew, S., Thielemans, W., Freunberger, S. A., & Spirk, S. (2017). Polysaccharides in supercapacitors. In S. Yee Liew, W. Thielemans, S. A. Freunberger, & S. Spirk (Eds.), Polysaccharide Based Supercapacitors (pp. 15–53). Springer Nature. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-50754-5_2
Yee Liew, Soon, Wim Thielemans, Stefan Alexander Freunberger, and Stefan Spirk. “Polysaccharides in Supercapacitors.” In Polysaccharide Based Supercapacitors, edited by Soon Yee Liew, Wim Thielemans, Stefan Alexander Freunberger, and Stefan Spirk, 15–53. Springer Nature, 2017. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-50754-5_2.
S. Yee Liew, W. Thielemans, S. A. Freunberger, and S. Spirk, “Polysaccharides in supercapacitors,” in Polysaccharide Based Supercapacitors, S. Yee Liew, W. Thielemans, S. A. Freunberger, and S. Spirk, Eds. Springer Nature, 2017, pp. 15–53.
Yee Liew S, Thielemans W, Freunberger SA, Spirk S. 2017.Polysaccharides in supercapacitors. In: Polysaccharide Based Supercapacitors. SpringerBriefs in Molecular Science, , 15–53.
Yee Liew, Soon, et al. “Polysaccharides in Supercapacitors.” Polysaccharide Based Supercapacitors, edited by Soon Yee Liew et al., Springer Nature, 2017, pp. 15–53, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-50754-5_2.
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