Cytokinin cross talking during biotic and abiotic stress responses
O’Brien J, Benková E. 2013. Cytokinin cross talking during biotic and abiotic stress responses. Frontiers in Plant Science. 4, 451.
Journal Article
| Published
| English
Scopus indexed
O'Brien, José;
Benková, EvaISTA 

Corresponding author has ISTA affiliation
As sessile organisms, plants have to be able to adapt to a continuously changing environment. Plants that perceive some of these changes as stress signals activate signaling pathways to modulate their development and to enable them to survive. The complex responses to environmental cues are to a large extent mediated by plant hormones that together orchestrate the final plant response. The phytohormone cytokinin is involved in many plant developmental processes. Recently, it has been established that cytokinin plays an important role in stress responses, but does not act alone. Indeed, the hormonal control of plant development and stress adaptation is the outcome of a complex network of multiple synergistic and antagonistic interactions between various hormones. Here, we review the recent findings on the cytokinin function as part of this hormonal network. We focus on the importance of the crosstalk between cytokinin and other hormones, such as abscisic acid, jasmonate, salicylic acid, ethylene, and auxin in the modulation of plant development and stress adaptation. Finally, the impact of the current research in the biotechnological industry will be discussed.
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Frontiers in Plant Science
Frontiers Research Foundation
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O’Brien J, Benková E. Cytokinin cross talking during biotic and abiotic stress responses. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2013;4. doi:10.3389/fpls.2013.00451
O’Brien, J., & Benková, E. (2013). Cytokinin cross talking during biotic and abiotic stress responses. Frontiers in Plant Science. Frontiers Research Foundation.
O’Brien, José, and Eva Benková. “Cytokinin Cross Talking during Biotic and Abiotic Stress Responses.” Frontiers in Plant Science. Frontiers Research Foundation, 2013.
J. O’Brien and E. Benková, “Cytokinin cross talking during biotic and abiotic stress responses,” Frontiers in Plant Science, vol. 4. Frontiers Research Foundation, 2013.
O’Brien J, Benková E. 2013. Cytokinin cross talking during biotic and abiotic stress responses. Frontiers in Plant Science. 4, 451.
O’Brien, José, and Eva Benková. “Cytokinin Cross Talking during Biotic and Abiotic Stress Responses.” Frontiers in Plant Science, vol. 4, 451, Frontiers Research Foundation, 2013, doi:10.3389/fpls.2013.00451.
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