Diophantine properties of elements of SO(3)
Kaloshin V, Rodnianski I. 2001. Diophantine properties of elements of SO(3). Geometric And Functional Analysis. 11(5), 953–970.
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Journal Article
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| English
Kaloshin, VadimISTA
Rodnianski, I.

A number α∈R is diophantine if it is not well approximable by rationals, i.e. for some C,ε>0 and any relatively prime p,q∈Z we have |αq−p|>Cq−1−ε. It is well-known and is easy to prove that almost every α in R is diophantine. In this paper we address a noncommutative version of the diophantine properties. Consider a pair A,B∈SO(3) and for each n∈Z+ take all possible words in A, A -1, B, and B - 1 of length n, i.e. for a multiindex I=(i1,i1,…,im,jm) define |I|=∑mk=1(|ik|+|jk|)=n and \( W_n(A,B ) = \{W_{\cal I}(A,B) = A^{i_1} B^{j_1} \dots A^{i_m} B^{j_m}\}_{|{\cal I|}=n \).¶Gamburd—Jakobson—Sarnak [GJS] raised the problem: prove that for Haar almost every pair A,B∈SO(3) the closest distance of words of length n to the identity, i.e. sA,B(n)=min|I|=n∥WI(A,B)−E∥, is bounded from below by an exponential function in n. This is the analog of the diophantine property for elements of SO(3). In this paper we prove that s A,B (n) is bounded from below by an exponential function in n 2. We also exhibit obstructions to a “simple” proof of the exponential estimate in n.
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Geometric And Functional Analysis
Springer Nature
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Kaloshin V, Rodnianski I. Diophantine properties of elements of SO(3). Geometric And Functional Analysis. 2001;11(5):953-970. doi:10.1007/s00039-001-8222-8
Kaloshin, V., & Rodnianski, I. (2001). Diophantine properties of elements of SO(3). Geometric And Functional Analysis. Springer Nature. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00039-001-8222-8
Kaloshin, Vadim, and I. Rodnianski. “Diophantine Properties of Elements of SO(3).” Geometric And Functional Analysis. Springer Nature, 2001. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00039-001-8222-8.
V. Kaloshin and I. Rodnianski, “Diophantine properties of elements of SO(3),” Geometric And Functional Analysis, vol. 11, no. 5. Springer Nature, pp. 953–970, 2001.
Kaloshin V, Rodnianski I. 2001. Diophantine properties of elements of SO(3). Geometric And Functional Analysis. 11(5), 953–970.
Kaloshin, Vadim, and I. Rodnianski. “Diophantine Properties of Elements of SO(3).” Geometric And Functional Analysis, vol. 11, no. 5, Springer Nature, 2001, pp. 953–70, doi:10.1007/s00039-001-8222-8.