Surpassing the resistance quantum with a geometric superinductor
Peruzzo M, Trioni A, Hassani F, Zemlicka M, Fink JM. 2020. Surpassing the resistance quantum with a geometric superinductor. Physical Review Applied. 14(4), 044055.
Journal Article
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The superconducting circuit community has recently discovered the promising potential of superinductors. These circuit elements have a characteristic impedance exceeding the resistance quantum RQ ≈ 6.45 kΩ which leads to a suppression of ground state charge fluctuations. Applications include the realization of hardware protected qubits for fault tolerant quantum computing, improved coupling to small dipole moment objects and defining a new quantum metrology standard for the ampere. In this work we refute the widespread notion that superinductors can only be implemented based on kinetic inductance, i.e. using disordered superconductors or Josephson junction arrays. We present modeling, fabrication and characterization of 104 planar aluminum coil resonators with a characteristic impedance up to 30.9 kΩ at 5.6 GHz and a capacitance down to ≤ 1 fF, with lowloss and a power handling reaching 108 intra-cavity photons. Geometric superinductors are free of uncontrolled tunneling events and offer high reproducibility, linearity and the ability to couple magnetically - properties that significantly broaden the scope of future quantum circuits.
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Physical Review Applied
American Physical Society
The authors acknowledge the support from I. Prieto and the IST Nanofabrication Facility. This work was supported by IST Austria and a NOMIS foundation research grant and the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) through BeyondC (F71). MP is the recipient of a P¨ottinger scholarship at IST Austria. JMF acknowledges support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programs under grant agreement No 732894 (FET Proactive HOT), 862644 (FET Open QUARTET), and the European Research Council under grant agreement
number 758053 (ERC StG QUNNECT).
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Peruzzo M, Trioni A, Hassani F, Zemlicka M, Fink JM. Surpassing the resistance quantum with a geometric superinductor. Physical Review Applied. 2020;14(4). doi:10.1103/PhysRevApplied.14.044055
Peruzzo, M., Trioni, A., Hassani, F., Zemlicka, M., & Fink, J. M. (2020). Surpassing the resistance quantum with a geometric superinductor. Physical Review Applied. American Physical Society.
Peruzzo, Matilda, Andrea Trioni, Farid Hassani, Martin Zemlicka, and Johannes M Fink. “Surpassing the Resistance Quantum with a Geometric Superinductor.” Physical Review Applied. American Physical Society, 2020.
M. Peruzzo, A. Trioni, F. Hassani, M. Zemlicka, and J. M. Fink, “Surpassing the resistance quantum with a geometric superinductor,” Physical Review Applied, vol. 14, no. 4. American Physical Society, 2020.
Peruzzo M, Trioni A, Hassani F, Zemlicka M, Fink JM. 2020. Surpassing the resistance quantum with a geometric superinductor. Physical Review Applied. 14(4), 044055.
Peruzzo, Matilda, et al. “Surpassing the Resistance Quantum with a Geometric Superinductor.” Physical Review Applied, vol. 14, no. 4, 044055, American Physical Society, 2020, doi:10.1103/PhysRevApplied.14.044055.
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