Uniqueness and nondegeneracy of minimizers of the Pekar functional on a ball
Feliciangeli D, Seiringer R. 2020. Uniqueness and nondegeneracy of minimizers of the Pekar functional on a ball. SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis. 52(1), 605–622.
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We consider the Pekar functional on a ball in ℝ3. We prove uniqueness of minimizers, and a quadratic lower bound in terms of the distance to the minimizer. The latter follows from nondegeneracy of the Hessian at the minimum.
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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis
Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics
We are grateful for the hospitality at the Mittag-Leffler Institute, where part of this work has been done. The work of the authors was supported by the European Research Council (ERC)under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme grant 694227.
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Feliciangeli D, Seiringer R. Uniqueness and nondegeneracy of minimizers of the Pekar functional on a ball. SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis. 2020;52(1):605-622. doi:10.1137/19m126284x
Feliciangeli, D., & Seiringer, R. (2020). Uniqueness and nondegeneracy of minimizers of the Pekar functional on a ball. SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis. Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics . https://doi.org/10.1137/19m126284x
Feliciangeli, Dario, and Robert Seiringer. “Uniqueness and Nondegeneracy of Minimizers of the Pekar Functional on a Ball.” SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis. Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics , 2020. https://doi.org/10.1137/19m126284x.
D. Feliciangeli and R. Seiringer, “Uniqueness and nondegeneracy of minimizers of the Pekar functional on a ball,” SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, vol. 52, no. 1. Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics , pp. 605–622, 2020.
Feliciangeli D, Seiringer R. 2020. Uniqueness and nondegeneracy of minimizers of the Pekar functional on a ball. SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis. 52(1), 605–622.
Feliciangeli, Dario, and Robert Seiringer. “Uniqueness and Nondegeneracy of Minimizers of the Pekar Functional on a Ball.” SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, vol. 52, no. 1, Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics , 2020, pp. 605–22, doi:10.1137/19m126284x.
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arXiv 1904.08647