Token-driven totally asymmetric simple exclusion process

Kavcic B, Tkačik G. Token-driven totally asymmetric simple exclusion process. arXiv, 2112.13558.

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We consider a totally asymmetric simple exclusion process (TASEP) consisting of particles on a lattice that require binding by a "token" to move. Using a combination of theory and simulations, we address the following questions: (i) How token binding kinetics affects the current-density relation; (ii) How the current-density relation depends on the scarcity of tokens; (iii) How tokens propagate the effects of the locally-imposed disorder (such a slow site) over the entire lattice; (iv) How a shared pool of tokens couples concurrent TASEPs running on multiple lattices; (v) How our results translate to TASEPs with open boundaries that exchange particles with the reservoir. Since real particle motion (including in systems that inspired the standard TASEP model, e.g., protein synthesis or movement of molecular motors) is often catalyzed, regulated, actuated, or otherwise mediated, the token-driven TASEP dynamics analyzed in this paper should allow for a better understanding of real systems and enable a closer match between TASEP theory and experimental observations.
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B.K. thanks Stefano Elefante, Simon Rella, and Michal Hledík for their help with the usage of the cluster. B.K. additionally thanks Călin Guet and his group for help and advice. We thank M. Hennessey-Wesen for constructive comments on the manuscript. We thank Ankita Gupta (Indian Institute of Technology) for spotting a typographical error in Eq. (49) in the preprint version of this paper.
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Kavcic B, Tkačik G. Token-driven totally asymmetric simple exclusion process. arXiv. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2112.13558
Kavcic, B., & Tkačik, G. (n.d.). Token-driven totally asymmetric simple exclusion process. arXiv.
Kavcic, Bor, and Gašper Tkačik. “Token-Driven Totally Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process.” ArXiv, n.d.
B. Kavcic and G. Tkačik, “Token-driven totally asymmetric simple exclusion process,” arXiv. .
Kavcic B, Tkačik G. Token-driven totally asymmetric simple exclusion process. arXiv, 2112.13558.
Kavcic, Bor, and Gašper Tkačik. “Token-Driven Totally Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process.” ArXiv, 2112.13558, doi:10.48550/arXiv.2112.13558.
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