Local stability of ground states in locally gapped and weakly interacting quantum spin systems
Henheik SJ, Teufel S, Wessel T. 2022. Local stability of ground states in locally gapped and weakly interacting quantum spin systems. Letters in Mathematical Physics. 112(1), 9.
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Henheik, Sven JoschaISTA
Teufel, Stefan;
Wessel, Tom

Based on a result by Yarotsky (J Stat Phys 118, 2005), we prove that localized but otherwise arbitrary perturbations of weakly interacting quantum spin systems with uniformly gapped on-site terms change the ground state of such a system only locally, even if they close the spectral gap. We call this a strong version of the local perturbations perturb locally (LPPL) principle which is known to hold for much more general gapped systems, but only for perturbations that do not close the spectral gap of the Hamiltonian. We also extend this strong LPPL-principle to Hamiltonians that have the appropriate structure of gapped on-site terms and weak interactions only locally in some region of space. While our results are technically corollaries to a theorem of Yarotsky, we expect that the paradigm of systems with a locally gapped ground state that is completely insensitive to the form of the Hamiltonian elsewhere extends to other situations and has important physical consequences.
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Letters in Mathematical Physics
Springer Nature
J. H. acknowledges partial financial support by the ERC Advanced Grant “RMTBeyond” No. 101020331. S. T. thanks Marius Lemm and Simone Warzel for very helpful comments and discussions and Jürg Fröhlich for references to the literature. Open Access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL.
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Henheik SJ, Teufel S, Wessel T. Local stability of ground states in locally gapped and weakly interacting quantum spin systems. Letters in Mathematical Physics. 2022;112(1). doi:10.1007/s11005-021-01494-y
Henheik, S. J., Teufel, S., & Wessel, T. (2022). Local stability of ground states in locally gapped and weakly interacting quantum spin systems. Letters in Mathematical Physics. Springer Nature. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11005-021-01494-y
Henheik, Sven Joscha, Stefan Teufel, and Tom Wessel. “Local Stability of Ground States in Locally Gapped and Weakly Interacting Quantum Spin Systems.” Letters in Mathematical Physics. Springer Nature, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11005-021-01494-y.
S. J. Henheik, S. Teufel, and T. Wessel, “Local stability of ground states in locally gapped and weakly interacting quantum spin systems,” Letters in Mathematical Physics, vol. 112, no. 1. Springer Nature, 2022.
Henheik SJ, Teufel S, Wessel T. 2022. Local stability of ground states in locally gapped and weakly interacting quantum spin systems. Letters in Mathematical Physics. 112(1), 9.
Henheik, Sven Joscha, et al. “Local Stability of Ground States in Locally Gapped and Weakly Interacting Quantum Spin Systems.” Letters in Mathematical Physics, vol. 112, no. 1, 9, Springer Nature, 2022, doi:10.1007/s11005-021-01494-y.
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