Where do mistakes lead? A survey of games with incompetent players
Graham T, Kleshnina M, Filar JA. 2023. Where do mistakes lead? A survey of games with incompetent players. Dynamic Games and Applications. 13, 231–264.
Journal Article
| Published
| English
Scopus indexed
Graham, Thomas;
Kleshnina, MariaISTA;
Filar, Jerzy A.
Mathematical models often aim to describe a complicated mechanism in a cohesive and simple manner. However, reaching perfect balance between being simple enough or overly simplistic is a challenging task. Frequently, game-theoretic models have an underlying assumption that players, whenever they choose to execute a specific action, do so perfectly. In fact, it is rare that action execution perfectly coincides with intentions of individuals, giving rise to behavioural mistakes. The concept of incompetence of players was suggested to address this issue in game-theoretic settings. Under the assumption of incompetence, players have non-zero probabilities of executing a different strategy from the one they chose, leading to stochastic outcomes of the interactions. In this article, we survey results related to the concept of incompetence in classic as well as evolutionary game theory and provide several new results. We also suggest future extensions of the model and argue why it is important to take into account behavioural mistakes when analysing interactions among players in both economic and biological settings.
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Dynamic Games and Applications
Springer Nature
The authors would like to acknowledge stimulating email discussions with Dr Wayne Lobb of W.A. Lobb LLC on the topic of evolutionary games. We also thank Dr Thomas Taimre for his input to the material in Sect. 3.
The authors would like to acknowledge partial support from the Australian Research Council under the Discovery grant DP180101602 and support by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Grant Agreement #754411.
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Graham T, Kleshnina M, Filar JA. Where do mistakes lead? A survey of games with incompetent players. Dynamic Games and Applications. 2023;13:231-264. doi:10.1007/s13235-022-00425-3
Graham, T., Kleshnina, M., & Filar, J. A. (2023). Where do mistakes lead? A survey of games with incompetent players. Dynamic Games and Applications. Springer Nature. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13235-022-00425-3
Graham, Thomas, Maria Kleshnina, and Jerzy A. Filar. “Where Do Mistakes Lead? A Survey of Games with Incompetent Players.” Dynamic Games and Applications. Springer Nature, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13235-022-00425-3.
T. Graham, M. Kleshnina, and J. A. Filar, “Where do mistakes lead? A survey of games with incompetent players,” Dynamic Games and Applications, vol. 13. Springer Nature, pp. 231–264, 2023.
Graham T, Kleshnina M, Filar JA. 2023. Where do mistakes lead? A survey of games with incompetent players. Dynamic Games and Applications. 13, 231–264.
Graham, Thomas, et al. “Where Do Mistakes Lead? A Survey of Games with Incompetent Players.” Dynamic Games and Applications, vol. 13, Springer Nature, 2023, pp. 231–64, doi:10.1007/s13235-022-00425-3.
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