Low-energy spectrum and dynamics of the weakly interacting Bose gas

Bossmann L. 2022. Low-energy spectrum and dynamics of the weakly interacting Bose gas. Journal of Mathematical Physics. 63(6), 061102.

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Journal Article | Published | English

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We consider a gas of N bosons with interactions in the mean-field scaling regime. We review the proof of an asymptotic expansion of its low-energy spectrum, eigenstates, and dynamics, which provides corrections to Bogoliubov theory to all orders in 1/ N. This is based on joint works with Petrat, Pickl, Seiringer, and Soffer. In addition, we derive a full asymptotic expansion of the ground state one-body reduced density matrix.
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Journal of Mathematical Physics
AIP Publishing
The author thanks Nataˇsa Pavlovic, Sören Petrat, Peter Pickl, Robert Seiringer, and Avy Soffer for the collaboration on Refs. 1, 2 and 21. Funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Marie Skℓodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No. 754411 is gratefully acknowledged.
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Bossmann L. Low-energy spectrum and dynamics of the weakly interacting Bose gas. Journal of Mathematical Physics. 2022;63(6). doi:10.1063/5.0089983
Bossmann, L. (2022). Low-energy spectrum and dynamics of the weakly interacting Bose gas. Journal of Mathematical Physics. AIP Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0089983
Bossmann, Lea. “Low-Energy Spectrum and Dynamics of the Weakly Interacting Bose Gas.” Journal of Mathematical Physics. AIP Publishing, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0089983.
L. Bossmann, “Low-energy spectrum and dynamics of the weakly interacting Bose gas,” Journal of Mathematical Physics, vol. 63, no. 6. AIP Publishing, 2022.
Bossmann L. 2022. Low-energy spectrum and dynamics of the weakly interacting Bose gas. Journal of Mathematical Physics. 63(6), 061102.
Bossmann, Lea. “Low-Energy Spectrum and Dynamics of the Weakly Interacting Bose Gas.” Journal of Mathematical Physics, vol. 63, no. 6, 061102, AIP Publishing, 2022, doi:10.1063/5.0089983.
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